criminal justice advisory council report_Sep2022

4TH ANNUAL REPORT HIGHLIGHT— DOC INTAKE FROM OK COUNTY CONTINUES TO DROP policy reforms, continued jail population decline due to diversion programs, fair chance hiring education, continued detention center process improvements and, of course, voter approval of a new jail bond. Nevertheless, just as various system improvements advance, constant vigilance is required to keep building on the foundations of progress toward more advanced system change. The CJAC completed its fourth fiscal year on June 30, 2022. The year was marked by major progress on several fronts: the beginnings of MAPS 4 implementation of justice-related projects, OKCPD law enforcement

DOC dropped by 949 people or 39%. Although state law changes play a factor, a major contributing factor to this remarkable reduction is the expansion of diversion programs in OK County, including pre-trial release programs and alternative sentencing programs. For the Governor and the Legislature, this sends a strong signal that a critical way to reverse prison overcrowding is to move state resources to county diversion programs.

One result of the declining OK County Detention Center population that has occurred over the last five years is a notable reduction in the number of people from Oklahoma County ending up in prison in the Department of Corrections. As the chart below shows, since Fiscal Year 2018, the number of people from Oklahoma County who end their court process with a prison sentence to


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