criminal justice advisory council report_Sep2022


In May 2020, as the world was reeling from the early stages of the pandemic, another major event entered the world stage—the tragic death of George Floyd. The shocking video was a catalyst for cities across the county to start a period of self-reflection that has led to numerous recommendations for changes in policing. In Oklahoma City, Mayor David Holt and City Manager Craig Freeman (CJAC Member) launched two companion efforts to reimagine policing in Oklahoma County’s largest city. OKC Police Chief Wade Gourley (CJAC Member), still in his first year as Chief, welcomed the review. City, Mayor David Holt and City Manager and CJAC member Craig Freeman launched two companion efforts to reimagine policing in Oklahoma County’s largest city. Still in his first year as Oklahoma City’s chief of police, CJAC member Wade Gourley welcomed the review. The Mayor’s Law Enforcement Policy Taskforce (LEPT) included more than 40 community members and focused on the OKC Police Department’s (OKCPD) de-escalation policy, as well as the need to restructure the OKCPD’s Citizen Advisory Board. The taskforce members included a broad swath of leaders including four OKC City Councilpersons, two state senators, two state representatives and more than 30 other community leaders. The LEPT was facilitated by former OKC Assistant City Manager M.T. Berry. leaders. Former OKC Assistant City Manager M.T. Berry facilitated the task force. The companion review was conducted by the City Manager’s Community Policing Working Group (CPWG) focusing on how to expand and increase effective programs in the following six areas: The companion review was conducted by the city manager’s Community Policing Working Group (CPWG), shocking video was a catalyst for cities across the country to start a period of self-reflection that has led to numerous The Mayor’s Law Enforcement Policy Task Force (LEPT) Citizen Advisory Board. The task force members included a broad swath of leaders, including four OKC City Councilpersons, two state senators, two state

James Cooper and was made up of 12 community leaders, including Chief Gourley.

To assist both groups, the city conducted a public bidding process to select a consultant. 21st Century Policing Solutions (21CP) was selected to facilitate community discussions, policy reviews and help develop reform recommendations for the OKC City Council. 21CP regularly works with cities and communities to effectively tackle the challenges of delivering safe, effective, just and constitutional public safety services in the 21st century. The organization is led by former police chiefs, lawyers, social scientists, academics and community leaders who have turned around troubled police departments and renewed the community’s confidence in their agencies. After several months of work with both the LEPT and CPWG, 21CP submitted their report to the OKC City Council. Some of the highlights of the report include:

Short-term goals, those that can be accomplished in 3-6 months:

Requiring officers to provide verbal warnings before any use of force, if possible.

Creating additional transparency of the Citizens Advisory Board through public reports on its activities. Additionally, changing the makeup of the CAB to reflect each of the city’s wards.

Training for police officers in crisis response.

Officer access to mental health services.

Creating a web-based platform for filing complaints against an officer which could be anonymous.

Alternative responses to mental health calls.

Youth outreach.

Creating a Youth Advisory Board with direct access to the chief of police.

Expansion of homeless outreach initiatives.

Mid-range goals that can take 6-12+ months:

Creation of a neighborhood safety/violence interruption program.

Prohibiting officers involved in shootings and other critical incidents from viewing bodycam footage before providing an interview.

The CPWG concept was authored by OKC Councilman


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