review, you have both a physical body, plus a set of energy bodies around it, all of which make up your aura. Your aura is full of info about you. At any given time, it’s possible to download some of that information. In short, gathering info is the purpose of read- ing somebody’s aura. With stage one Energetic Literacy, people generalize about an entire aura. But with more training, an aura reader can discover that the informa- tion in auras is especially concentrated in chakras, like the Throat Chakra in front of your neck, or the Third Eye Chakra in front of your forehead. I’d be a big fan of stage two Energet- ic Literacy… except that all of us can learn to do something so much more informative. Maybe you can guess what that is! Stage 3 Energetic Literacy: Re- searching Chakra Databanks Within each one of your chakras, you’ve got 50 chakra databanks. Each one is packed with useful information about how a person is doing. Which brings us to the whole point of reading auras. Hello, What IS the Point of Reading Auras? I’d say, “The purpose of reading au- ras is to get useful, accurate informa- tion about one person at a time.”
tion about a human being. It’s only a start. And for some people, including this Pathways columnist, they never see the colors at all. Let that sink in, Colorfully Living You. Seeing colors, for some people, is the start of aura reading. Stage one, that’s all. Moreover, these perceptions are personal, not universal. A person with stage three Energetic Literacy won’t do energy talk by telling you perceptions of auras, since we can do something far better: We can interpret what we see or feel or smell, etc. What’s an aura reader’s interpreta- tion? This makes sense in a human way. While a perception is only the start of a good aura reading. You see, a good quality aura reading is a percep- tion plus an interpretation. Ideally, we share only the interpretation, whereas the perception does not provide as much value. Stage 2 Energetic Literacy: Gener- alizing about Chakras Stage two is an improvement over stage one skills, but not by much. In similar fashion to Joe, some folks with limited energetic literacy delight in sharing their perceptions, describing colors in chakras. And what is a chakra? Let’s expand upon what we’ve covered so far. To
photo of this set. Only this one was taken of my friend Gladys before I did the Skilled Empath Merge with her- Aura Photo 3. Gladys’s Aura.
And what’s with Aura Photos? Aura Photo 1. Rose Rosetree, being herself
This aura photograph was taken of me on the same day as the aura photo at the beginning of this column. At that time I was doing a Skilled Em- path Merge with my friend Gladys. That means I was using my skills as a Master Empath to merge my con- sciousness with that of Gladys, in or- der to learn more about her. Of course, doing that will temporarily change what’s going on with my aura. Which is exactly what happened. So much for the idea that a person’s aura is a certain set of colors: People’s auras change constantly. Just compare these two Aura Photos of me, taken within an hour of each other. And now, here’s the third aura
Notice the pretty similar, orange and green balls at the bottom of both pictures? You could say, they’re relat- ed to how I empath-merged my aura with hers. While the rainbow lights at the top of my aura photo two? I’d say they reflected the process of Divine co-creation that happens when doing a Skilled Empath Merge with another person. But here’s the point; how practical is that information about orange and green balls of energy? Maybe not so much. Look, I got an aura photo at a Pathways Natural Living Expo… back in the 1980s. It helped to reassure me that I even had an aura. I hoped those colors were proof of something good.
continued on bottom of page 73
Are you a psychic medium? Are you clairaudient?
Do you receive vocal messages?
Many people hear voices or receive vocal messages. Some people are able to channel these unusual experiences in a healthy productive manner, while others find these experiences to be distressing and feel the need for psychiatric care. We hope to gain insights from people who live comfortably with these kinds of experiences that may be helpful to others who find their experiences to be challenging and stressful. Our ultimate goal from this National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded study is to learn how to be more helpful to people who struggle with their voices. • If you have these kinds of experiences, we are very interested in working with you in a paid research study at the University of Maryland School of Medicine where we are trying to learn about how these real experiences occur in the brain. If you have psychic abil ities, please contact us so we can determine if you are eligible. People between the age of 18-65 you may be eligible to participate. • The study includes interviews, cognitive testing, EEG recording, and an MRI brain scan. The study involves making 3-4 visits to the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center at 55 Wade Avenue in Catonsville. We have made changes to approaching scientific research during COVID-19. One of these response measures is to move some research assessments online. Depending on your available technology, we can make arrangements for you to complete some assessments remotely on a laptop, tablet or cell phone in order to reduce number of visits to our research center. That said, we have taken many steps to ensure the safety of our research volunteers and staff during any required in-person visits. • Each visit is likely to take 2-3 hours, with payment of $20 per hour. *During COVID-19, these visit durations may be reduced
For additional information, please contact: Sharon August at (saugust@som.umaryland.edu, 410 402 6057 ) https://www.goldcanslab.com/participate
The research is directed by Dr. James Gold, Ph.D (Email: jgold@som.umaryland.edu , Phone: 410 402-7871).
PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—27
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