

DECEMBER –1– Intuitive Development 1 Series. Begin your journey tapping into your inner knowing through lessons, observa- tions, practice, signs, and homework. No prerequisites, 10am-12pm, ON- LINE. –2– Mediumship Development 1 Series . Tap into loved ones who have crossed over, through lessons, observations,

ance on their spiritual journey. A full description, including session topics is available at For more information contact Joanne at or 410-371-7950. Register at register-pay-for-events/. –3– Psychic Development 1 Series. Begin to tap into your psychic abilities. Work with meditation, breathing, auras, chakras, objects, symbols, and guides to start the psychic flow of informa- tion. 10am-12pm, ONLINE. –4– 12/4-5 The Knowledge Tour: A Channeled Event 2-day Work- shop, Hot Springs, VA at the beautiful Homestead Resort from 10am-4pm both days. Carol Collins channels the Entity, James. Through the use of her voice, James offers Universal Knowledge on who They are, what their connection is to us, and how we can harness the power of the Uni- verse. Audience participation and questions are encouraged! James al- ways has something new to say about learning to Love Life, and why happi-

practice and homework, to trust the impressions you receive through the major “Clairs.” EVENINGS! 7-9pm, ONLINE. Soul School Via ZOOM, led by Joanne Selinske, PhD, Cht., of Soul Source. Soul School is a 9-session program scheduled monthly through late Spring, 7-9:30pm. $55.00 per session. The program is designed for those who want to understand their soul’s plan for this lifetime or who are longing for understanding and guid-

ness is the key to not only living abun- dantly but also strengthening your innate abilities of intuition and direct communication with Them. Cost is $325 for the 2-day workshop. www. –5– GardenDC Weekly Podcast, hosted every Saturday by Kathy Jentz, Editor of Washington Gardener Magazine. All about gardening in the greater Washington, DC, and Mid-Atlantic area. Available to listen through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more. Prior episodes archived at cast/gardendc/id1502631179. www. 12/5-6 Spiritual Hygiene and Psychic Protection Workshop via Zoom. Do you feel like a psychic sponge who absorbs the emotions and feelings of others around you? Do you feel like you are a target of negativity or other people’s manipulations? This hands- on workshop provides a plethora of techniques to shield and protect your- self from undue psychic influences. 9:30am-12:30pm, ET, both days. Via Zoom. psychic-protection

GLUT FOOD CO-OP • Open to the public — No membership required • Open 7 days / week: Tues-Fri 10 am–8 pm • Sat, Sun, Mon 9 am–7 pm • Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri 9 am–8 pm • Natural foods at the best prices in town • Not for profit and cooperative • More than 40 varieties of cheeses • Nuts, dried fruits, spices & organic produce 301-779-1978 4005 34th Street, Mt. Rainer, Maryland

Body Balance Physical Therapy Bethesda, MD • Covid Compliant Cell: 301-509-8739 • Email: • Website: Physical Therapy and Beyond. Improving Health and changing lives!

Holistic Mind Body Approach to Addressing all Components of Health: • Structure/Physical Body • Emotional/Stress • Toxins • Biochemistry (Nutritional support) Early in my career, I was effective just working on the physical body, but I knew I could do more for my patients. Along the way, I learned how vital it was to learn tools to address other roadblocks to optimal health, such as Emotional and Chemical components. After widening my scope, I am proud to say I am much more effective, and actually changing lives. SERVICES: Comprehensive Evaluations & Customized Treatment Plans One-on-One “Hands-On” Care Various Manual Therapy Techniques to balance structural body, including Functional Dry Needling Cold Laser Therapy NET – NeuroEmotional Technique — A Stress reduction and emotional release technique NAET – Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique — An Allergy clearing technique

Karen C. Lips, PT in practice for 38 years, Owner, Physical Therapist and MindBody Practitioner

Assessments and Recommendations to improve nutrition and reduce toxins Postural and Ergonomic Assessments, strategies, and recommendations Exercise Instruction and programs

48—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21

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