FEBRUARY –4– Mediumship Teleconferencing Circle 6-week Winter Session via Zoom. This is your opportunity to practice spirit communication in a group from the comfort of your home. Under the guidance of Spiritualist medium and author Konstanza Morning Star. –6– GardenDC Weekly Podcast, hosted every Saturday by Kathy Jentz, Editor of Washington Gardener Magazine. All about gardening in the greater Wash- ington, DC, and Mid-Atlantic area. Available to listen through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more. Prior episodes archived at cast/gardendc/id1502631179. www. Intuitive Development: Channeling, 12-3pm. In this exciting workshop learn how to Channel your guides, angels and more—a form of channel- ing also known as automatic writing. You allow your conscious mind to rest while you put your pen to paper
and allow messages to come through. We will practice clearing your energy, how to call on your guides and an- gels, and how to trust in the knowing the messages received are from the divine. More information at Intu- –7– Not Feeling “At Home” at Home? Let Your Soul Bring You Peace. Free Zoom Workshop 10:30am. Sign Up At: www. SoulsHome.Realtor/Pathways. –13– 2/13-14 Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Prac- titioner , offered remotely, live and fully interactive, led by Aziza Dou- mani Reiki & Wellbeing. Information at –20– Becoming Intuitive: Reading People . This class explains how readings are performed. Learn to connect to another person, tune into their energy and sense it, read the energy at a be- ginning level and provide the infor- mation to the person you are reading. Practice exercises included. Time: 12-5:30pm. Tuition: $140 if paid by January 15, 2021: $170 after 1/15/21.
Ranessa Porter
Rei k i Master-Teacher, Integrated Energy Therapy ( IET/Angel Heal ing) Master- Instructor, Aromatherapi st ✷ Intui t ive and Spi r i tual Counsel ing ✷ Rei k i and Angel Heal ings ✷ Custom Essent ial Oi l Blends ✷ In-person sess ions ✷ Di stance sess ions via Skype ✷ Angel Ci rcles , Rei k i and Angel ( IET) Heal ing Classes
“I felt cared for and comforted by Ranessa’s gentle presence and powerful healing touch.”
52—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21
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