NowYou Need Information ...continued from page 25
relationship that after a while you wonder why you even got involved. Too much excitement perhaps! This is definitely a day where you want to think about what’s important to you and decide just how you want to ap- proach life. It’s important you take care of your needs because other peo- ple may not be there for you. As the Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn, the last quarter of the as- trological year occurs. In the Northern Hemisphere this is the Winter Solstice while in the Southern Hemisphere this is the Summer Solstice. When you move into the last quarter of the as- trological year, you want to reflect on what occurred starting in March 2020 when the year began. Already, you know: The pandemic leading to stay- at-home orders, social distancing, and a new fashion statement—the mask. In addition to all of that, society on a global level moved towards a tipping point with racial and social equality. Yet it also moved into more vitriol as various factions interpreted all of these events as political interference with their civil liberties. So, when this last quarter of the year begins, the Sun, as it enters the sign of Capricorn, forms a conjunction to Mercury indicating that in order to move forward with life, we must learn to communicate with each other. That means listening as well as speaking, and asking questions so we can understand each other better. After the solstice occurs, Jupiter forms a conjunction to Saturn at 0º of Aquarius. Both Jupiter and Saturn entered the sign of Aquarius just a few days ago indicating the start of a new paradigm shift: Saturn with the hope of solidifying important societal changes while Jupiter with the hope of moving beyond the constraints created over the past year into a better future. This spiritual juxtaposition occurs ap- proximately every 19 to 20 years. It’s the time in the world where we need to find the balance between throw- ing away everything and keeping too much. We need to understand how to take new and important concepts and implement them in the world so we can have a better life. As Venus forms a square to Ceres on December 22nd you may decide it is time to move on with life. You may realize that continuing to fight only brings on more problems. It may be time to find avenues of compromise. On December 23rd, Mars forms the last square to Pluto in a triad sequence. You may not even remember about this triad sequence because the first time this square occurred was on August 13th when Mars was direct and Pluto was retrograde. The second time it oc- curred was on October 9th when Mars was retrograde and Pluto was direct. You may feel very frustrated as Mars forms the square to Pluto. This frustra- tion may even come from events that occurred around August 13th or Oc- tober 9th when the squares occurred in this triad sequence. The reason you may feel frustrated is that with Pluto involved, you feel as if other people are trying to control your life. And with Mercury forming a square to Chiron
vaccine? How will the vaccine be dis- seminated? Who will trust the vac- cine? How will governments increase the trust of vaccinations in their pop- ulations? And when Jupiter is in the sign of Aquarius, there is a focus on addressing health care crises that im- pact mass populations. So, not only will you see the COVID vaccination program spread rapidly during 2021, but you’ll also see other areas of health concerns increase, such as, increased sanitation requirements. And since Ju- piter rules long-distance travel, don’t be at all surprised if you’ll be required to bring proof of good health for vari- ous journeys you plan on taking. Utilizing the body’s own resources for healing also becomes more impor- tant when Jupiter enters Aquarius. Various studies of vitamins produce results at this time. Studies are already showing the importance of vitamins in the healing process. More people will be able to improve or maintain their health as they understand the use of vitamins in their daily dietary regiment. This will actually lead to an increased profitability for companies selling vitamins. This will also lead to more doctors using preventive medi- cal techniques and working with nu- tritional therapists to improve diets. When Saturn initially entered Aquarius in this current cycle, a tip- ping point was reached in the area of Black Lives Matter. You may think this movement has gone quiet, and per- haps it has right now as people deal with the news of the release of COV- ID vaccines, but the movement of ra- cial and social equity won’t remain as quiet at it seems right now. As Jupiter moves into Aquarius, more people, es- pecially younger individuals, are con- cerned about social and racial justice. They will find ways to take action by joining together with other individu- als and groups. There is a lot of hope that somehow we can all come togeth- er and move away from divisiveness. Basically, as Jupiter moves into Aquarius, you want to expand your understanding of the world. You don’t want to feel as if you’re left in the dark. You want to be a part of other people’s lives, as you want them to be a part of your life. While it may not be easy with the pandemic still not resolved, you will find ways to socialize and in- teract with others. After Jupiter enters the sign of Aquarius on December 19th, Venus forms a trine to Chiron. This energy strengthens your desire to be part of the world. You want to find a way to heal and you want to move on with your life. This desire to be part of so- ciety continues on December 20th as Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn. While you want to feel secure and safe, you also want to find ways to re-enter the world and not be all alone. Venus forms a quincunx to Uranus retrograde on December 21st before the solstice occurs and Jupiter forms a conjunction to Saturn after the solstice occurs. You don’t know what can hap- pen when Venus forms a quincunx to Uranus retrograde. You might run into some old friends you didn’t see before. Or, you may find a new and exciting
trying to implement citizen tracking systems, you’ll see more research in the field of AI. Yet, there are also things you’ll need to be cautious of. Like any computerized or technological system, human beings develop the basis; and those humans will, whether they do it intentionally or not, put their biases into the AI technology. What this all means is with Saturn in the sign of Aquarius you may en- gage with a vast number of people via cloud-based technology, you may not have all the social (meaning in-person) engagements that you need. And while you may feel it’s important take care of the environment, you may find it dif- ficult to agree on the right approach and this can lead to friction between you and others. But when Saturn is in Aquarius you do want to take things seriously. You do want to find a way to make your presence felt in the world. You want to be engaged. December 19th is just as critical a day as December 17th was. The reason is on December 19th, Jupiter enters the sign of Aquarius as well. It will remain in the sign of Aquarius until May 13, 2021, when it enters the sign of Pisces. It turns retrograde in Pisces on June 20, 2021, and re-enters the sign of Aquar- ius on July 28, 2021. It will remain in Aquarius until December 28, 2021. Jupiter’s cycle is approximately 12
years and it stays in a sign for 13 month. Jupiter in Aquarius could prove to be a very interesting placement. Jupiter rules the desire to push boundaries as far as possible while Aquarius indi- cates either the desire to make changes through social movements or the belief that changes need to be made to save the social order. You could say that Ju- piter is the antithesis of Saturn, which wants to maintain the status quo, al- most no matter what. Where Saturn in Aquarius indicates countries will try to do whatever pos- sible to ensure economic growth, Jupi- ter in Aquarius indicates government leaders will become more concerned, especially in the United States, with too much government spending and try to rein it in as Ronald Reagan tried with his trickle-down economics. On the other hand, when Jupiter was in Aquarius in April 1938, Congress passed an emergency spending bill of $5 billion to help stimulate the econo- my. So, don’t be at all surprised if you see a lot more fighting in Congress over various stimulus packages. But in the end, Congress will spend time finding ways to help people affected by the pandemic. During the last month, advances focusing on COVID vaccines have ac- celerated with the questions now be- ing asked, such as: Who will get the
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continued on page 78
58—PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21
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