
Classes & Learning Centers

The Reiki Center of Greater Wash- ington in Rockville, Maryland, has been serving the area since 1999 with public events, sessions, and classes. We welcome all who wish to join our community of “Reiki People” who seek to add the energy of Reiki to their daily lives. Call us at 301-963-0787 , visit us at , or visit our Facebook page for more info. To see our schedule or make an appointment, see our page at www.schedulicity. com/scheduling/RCONFY. Healing Sessions – Currently of- fered socially distanced with masks, or by Zoom or telephone with Distant Reiki or Integrated Energy Therapy ® by appointment. A $25 45-minute sample session is available for those who are currently ill with COVID-19 or unemployed, along with our regu- lar session types of 60, 75, 90 or 120 minutes. Available Tuesdays through Thursdays from 10am to 9pm, or Fri- days from 10am to 5pm. Integrated Energy Therapy ® Classes – Face-to-face with masks and social distancing- Basic: December 16 or January 23; Intermediate: March 6 or Feeling stuck, emotionally? Yearn- ing to grow spiritually? Are you a curious empath—or one who secretly struggles? Then come learn about Energy Spirituality, starting with a generous supply of free resources. Unique heal- ing and learning…all the way through to becoming a professional Practitio- ner. Energy Spirituality is an in-de- mand specialty now, growing fast. In Energy Spirituality, four differ- ent skill sets fit together beautifully. Here’s how: 1. WANT TO MAKE BETTER CHOICES? Or simply to know your- self better? Come learn practical skills, amazingly easy to learn, taught step by step. Energy Spirituality ENER- Beginning, intermediate, and advanced shamanic classes, many online, with an experienced teacher, authorized by Sandra Ingerman and Betsy Bergstrom. With no dogma or cultural trappings, apply shamanic principles to daily life with work- shops, shamanic movies, and journey groups, too. Comprehensive healers’ training includes understanding the “big pic- ture” and learning new protocols. And you’ll get support from an ongoing, free practitioners’ circle. Healers’ Training includes: • vibrational healing, soul retrieval, GY READING Skills. Start with the Free Intro to Aura Reading Through All Your Senses ® . Fun, interactive online workshops! “It’s a lot of information, given in bite-sized chunks, minus any b.s.”

April 11; Advanced: March 7 or April 12; Master Instructor: December 5-6 or May 22-23, 2021, or by appointment. IET for Pets: December 27; Healing Angels of the Energy Field: January 24, 2021 (may be face-to-face or via Zoom). New Moon and Seasonal Medita- tions (by Zoom): December 14, Janu- ary 13, February 11 or March 13. At 7:30pm. Cost is $10 for the public or $5 for RCGW students or clients. Winter Solstice: December 21 via Zoom. Lightarian Reiki ® , Rays ® or Angel- Links ® Sessions and attunements. Deep- en your connection with Ascended Masters and Angels. By appointment at our center with social distancing, or via Zoom, or by telephone. IET Distant Healing Sessions – Allow those attending to receive deep healing transformations using a variety of modalities as they share with a Zoom community: December 1, January 5, February 2, or March 2 at 7:30 pm. Cost is $25. *Intuitive Development I: Learn and practice with your intuitive gifts with an experienced Medium. By appoint- ment 1-on-1. 2 . DO YOU CRAVE A HEALTHIER AURA? Hey, that’s not asking too much. Energy Spirituality ENERGY HEALING Skills are unique in the world today. Not physical healing, like Reiki, nor emotional healing, like psychotherapy. Instead, a spiritual ap- proach that’s co-created with God (and not spirits, as in psychic work). Change your life by learning Energy Spirituality skills for emotional and spiritual growth. Start with the Free Intro to interactive online workshops in The Spiritually Sparkling ® Collection. “That one Energy Spirituality ses- sion helped me more than three years of weekly psychotherapy.” 3. EMPATHS, SEEKING A BETTER LIFE? Learn a trademarked system that gently helps empaths use their full potential. Discover the difference for yourself! Empath Empowerment ® helps you to own, embrace, and manage your special empath gifts. Start with the Free Intro to Rose Rosetree’s inter- helping spirit & power object retrieval • removal of cords, thought forms, intrusions, implants, and “ghosts” • reconnection to the soul’s purpose, tribe, Nature, Great Wheel, seasons, and more. Aspects others rarely teach include ethics, clear mediumship, and a pro- found, advanced understanding of the Shaman’s allies, tools, and cosmology. Everyday Shamanism for Everyone helps you: • learn to journey for direct access to wisdom and healing • heal your thoughts, emotions, and ego

Reiki and IET Shares. Via Zoom on December 12, January 9, February 6 or March 13 at 10 am. *Reiki Master Practice Groups: Via Zoom on December 22, January 26, February 23, or March 23 at 7:30 pm. *Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki (SSR) Class- es – Workshops that combine Reiki with the healing energies of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Levels I-II: April 24-25 (socially distant with masks or via Zoom). Shamanic Classes – Classes teach- ing how to use Shamanic tools in heal- ing and meditation. (These workshops may be via Zoom or face-to-face with social distancing). Shamanic Reiki II: December 18-20 (via Zoom or socially- distant with masks); Crystal Experi- ence: December 8. Crystal Healing I: February 21. Usui Reiki Classes – Intensive courses in the original system of Reiki. Workshops limited to 3 students socially-distant and with masks: Level I: January 16-17, February 13-14, or March 20-21; Level II: January 30-31 and February 27-28; Master/Practitio- ner: May 16-17. active online workshops on Em- path Empowerment Coaching—often imitated, never equaled. “Emotional and mental clarity grew, and they kept building until I realized that I finally had found my true self.” 4. YEARNING FOR GOD? Then let’s talk Energy Spirituality Enlighten- ment Coaching. Offering you skills that work now, in The Age of Awaken- ing. “Without Energy Spirituality, I’d still be endlessly searching for That Thing that makes this crazy life make sense.” • stop being a victim; become your hero • become your authentic soul-self • develop healthy boundaries (great for “empaths”!) • “protect” yourself without protec- tion via my unique approach • be fully human, aligned with your soul and Nature. Learn the secrets of shamanism to step more fully into your power, every day. Mary “Tyrtle” Rooker 301-891-1288 Discover unique resources to help you at www.rose-rosetree. com. Meet a blog community with over 66,000 comments! Send Rose Rosetree a tweet. To set up a personal session, contact Appointment Coordinator Mitch: 703-450-9514. Fastest response: email You could start taking your free work- shop today!

T he R eiki C enTeR O f G ReaTeR W ashinGTOn

PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—61


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