R esouRces F oR c Reative L iving • Pathways Winter Marketplace ..... 31 • Book Reviews By Alyce Ortuzar .. 35 • Winter Calendar.............................. 48 • Classes and Learning Centers....... 59 • Health Services................................ 62 • Metaphysical Sciences.................... 64 • Personal Services ............................ 66 • Psychology and Therapy ............... 67 • Resource Directory ......................... 68 • Online Directory ............................. 74 • Natural Food Stores Guide............ 75 • Advertiser Index ............................ 78 Most people understand that poor dental care can lead to cavities, plaque, gingivitis and halitosis. What many are discovering is the link to more serious health problems result- ing from poor oral care. The science is in: If you don’t take care of your teeth, you face far more serious consequenc- es than a simple toothache or some unsightly stains. d enTal H yGiene F or W Hole b ody H ealTH • P aGe 40 If health care treats just the tip of the iceberg, it rarely leads to long-term relief and vibrancy. Using scientific principles, advanced diagnostic test- ing, and treatments other than drugs or surgery, FM restores balance in the body’s primary physiological pro- cesses. By identifying and treating the underlying root cause or causes, a pa- tient’s health challenge has a much bet- ter chance to resolve successfully. Functional Medicine is patient-cen- tered medical healing at its best. In- stead of looking at and treating health problems as isolated diseases, it treats individuals who may have bodily symptoms, imbalances, and dysfunc- tions. F uncTional m edicine 101: P aTienT -c enTered H ealTHcare P aGe 11 H erbal a llies F or T roubled T imes : H erbs T o s ooTHe s Tress , F ear a nd G rieF • P aGe 9 It’s hard to deny that with a new surge in our pandemic comes a fresh wave of stress, anxiety and even grief. Current world events continue to take its toll on our physical, mental and emotional health, felt more acutely as we are getting ready to enter the holi- day season and the darker, colder win- ter months. You’ve probably seen enough arti- cles on anti-viral herbs, immune herbs, and remedies for the lungs for the mo- ment. Immunity boosting and sup- port is very important, but let’s turn our attention to an equally important aspect of health and preventative care in challenging times: herbs to support us when we are experiencing anxiety, stress, uncertainty, fear and grief.
PATHWAYS—Winter 20-21—7 P S inter– www.PathwaysMagazine.com • www.NaturalLivingExpo.com You can see my portfolio of work at https://linktr.ee/Misoknotty // along with my social media accounts, and shop links. [ Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Amy for being our Winter Pathways Cover Art Contest winner! Pathways is proud to support and showcase local artists in the DMV.] HERB CORNER H eRbaL a LLies F oR t RoubLed t imes : ..................................................... 9 H eRbs t o s ootHe s tRess , F eaR a nd g RieF b y t He s miLe H eRb s taFF TO YOUR HEALTH F unctionaL m edicine 101: P atient -c enteRed H eaLtHcaRe ............. 11 b y H eLena a mos YOGA TODAY y oga n idRa : a P andemic s uRvivaL s tRategy .................................... 13 b y c Laudia n euman TO YOUR HEALTH v isuaL s tRess d uRing t He covid m ess : .......................................... 17 t He e FFects o F e ye s tRess a nd t iPs F oR g ood v ision H eaLtH b y s tan a PPeLbaum , od, Fcovd ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS W inteR Q uaRteR 2020-21 – n oW y ou n eed i nFoRmation ................ 21 b y m isty K uceRis ENERGETIC LITERACY R ed a uRa , b LacK a uRa : W Hat d o a uRa c oLoRs m ean ?................. 26 b y R ose R osetRee MIND • BODY • SPIRIT P uRPoseLess P RacticaLity .................................................................................. 29 b y K atHy v ines MIND • BODY • SPIRIT W Hen H aving a d iFFicuLt t ime .......................................................... 34 b y J oyce a nd b aRRy v isseLL WASHINGTON GARDENER H aRdy P eRenniaL H eRbs . t HRee e asy H eRbs F oR y ouR g aRden .............37 b y K atHy J entz TO YOUR HEALTH d entaL H ygiene F oR W HoLe b ody H eaLtH ........................................... 40 b y s HeRi s aLaRtasH , dds CULTIVATING COMPASSION a P Lace c aLLed e mPtiness .................................................................... 41 b y o miLeye a cHiKeobi “o mi ” L eWis ON THE COVER: “Open Window” By Amy Hopson I was born in Miami, Florida, and was a Francis Wolfson art scholar at MDC. After college I worked with special needs children and adults, which led me on the path of discovering my spiritual gifts. I am an energy worker, card reader, and Reiki Master. I now live in Virginia where I am currently exploring the arts through channeling, meditative visions, feelings, and the inspirations around me. “Open Window” is about knowing that there are better days ahead and how we have the power to open the curtains of sadness to let the light in.
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