
• More routine, less stress •

Résidence Place Mont Roc


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Routine gives babies a sense of well-being almost as soon as they are born. They feel reassured when their days have a predictable rhythm and where feeding, sleeping, play- time, bath time and other activities all follow along in a regular pattern. In fact, this is the case for the whole family. Routines are a great way to reduce stress levels and provide a calm environment for the entire household. Experts agree that children have a better chance of being healthier if they grow up within a framework that includes a predictable routine. Because they know what to expect, children are able to focus more on what they are doing without worry- ing about the future. A routine is a series of benchmarks that give children peace of mind, although parents benefit too. Let’s take the kids’ homework or tidying up their bedrooms as an example. The risk of conflict is greatly redu- ced when it’s an established fact that homework has to be done at a certain time every day, and the room tidied every weekend.

Of course, routines vary from family to family. But whatever your routine looks like, it’s important that the rules are clear and everyone in the family respects them. One tip: display a schedule of your routine in full view so that everyone can refer to it if necessary, and leave an empty timeslot just in case something unexpected comes up.

Contrairement aux habitudes des générations précédentes, les familles d’aujourd’hui sont constituées de moins d’enfants. Avec cette nouvelle réalité de famille réduite, il est donc évident que les grands-parents ont moins de petits-enfants à chérir. Cela peut être avanta- geux à certains enfants qui bénéficient d’une plus grande attention des adultes. Toutefois, les grands-parents actuels doivent être au courant des abus et des dangers que peut entraîner cette situation. If you are among those who know the joys of having grandchildren, there’s a safe bet that you’re already involved in the whole adventure. Always ready to look after them or pick them up after school, you have lots of fun spending time with them at every opportunity. You even go to lend a hand without being asked. Comme cela semble être une situation gagnant- gagnant pour tous les intéressés : parents, enfants et vous-mêmes. Vous y croyez mais cela peut s’avérer le contraire. L’intrusion ou l’ingérence est un guet-apens dans lequel peu- vent tomber les grands-parents. Sans mauvaise intention de leur part et souvent, sans être con- scients de leurs agissements, les grands-parents peuvent devenir des personnes gênantes et

envahissantes. Les conseils deviennent des cri- tiques d’où surgissent les conflits parce que les grands-parents s’investissent trop. Before you assume that you’re playing your role as grandparent to perfection, think about asking the parents what they expect from you. Listen to them, respect them and do not lay blame. But you shouldn’t be afraid to express your own needs as well. Just remember that raising and disciplining children are the parents’ responsabilities. Ultimately, it’s your grandchildren who will benefit from the oasis of love and harmony you create, both parents and grandparents together.

A routine is a great way to reduce stress and provide a calm family environment.

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