
• Make family exercise sessions your priority • It’s not always easy to find the time and motivation to keep fit between work, homework, shopping, meals and house- work. The solution? Make exercise a health priority for the whole family. ball, take a walk in the woods or jump rope — anything is possible.

• Family is a factor in academic success •

Did you know that your home and family environment can affect your children’s aca- demic performance in a major way? Studies demonstrate that encouraging exchanges and discussions during the family’s evening meal is one of the most effective ways to maximize the chances of academic success. Children develop self-esteem when they grow up in a family where others take the time to listen and be interested in what they

do. At school, this feeling is reflected in an increased confidence in their ability to suc- ceed. Not only does this confidence allow them to obtain better results, but it stimu- lates them to give the effort required to suc- ceed, even when they’re having problems. As a parent, your role in this is crucial. • Opt for a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet, exercise and 8 to 12 hours of sleep every day can increase a child’s concen- tration and reduce stress. • Encourage your children. Praise effort as well as success. • Help your children become more inde- pendent. Supervise homework but don’t do it for them. • Have fun as a family. Playing is a great way to combine fun and learning. • Work with your child’s teacher. Go to meetings and don’t hesitate to contact the school if you have concerns. Be there for your children and never give up on them. Teach them to have a positive attitude about their education, and, most importantly, commit to giving them support throughout their schooling.

Set yourself realistic family goals. An hour of exercise a day may be too demanding, while 20 or 30 minutes could be enough to stimulate enthusiasm. You don’t want to discourage the troops. After all, family exercise is healthy, but it has to be fun as well.

What’s important is to stay active. Get all the members of your family moving by choosing activities that are simple and easy to integrate into the daily routine. Start slowly; a short family walk after supper is a great way to form new habits. Break the monotony by changing your route on a regular basis. Finish your outing with a few fun challenges, such as walking backwards or hopping. Everyone is sure to enjoy an improvised dance session in the living room. Swaying and jumping to your children’s favourite music is the kind of cardiovascular exercise that burns calories. Get yourself an exercise ball or some elastic exercise bands; they’re inexpensive and can be used even when watching TV. Every week, ask family mem- bers to organize a session of their favourite physical activity. There’s just one rule: every- one has to participate. You can go cycling, do yoga, go swimming, play beach volley-

Get the whole family moving by choosing simple, fun activities that fit into your daily routine.

Sentier récréatif de Prescott et Russell Recreational Trail

Surface en gravier

Stone dust surface

Cinq pavillons avec stationnement, table de pique- nique et toilettes portatives • 5 pavilions with parking and picnic areas, portable toilets.

Accès au Sentier récréatif Prescott-Russell Recreational Trail Access

Pavillons | Pavilions Plantagenet ch de Comté 9, parallèle à la rue Station

St-Eugène rue Mills Street

Vankleek Hill route 34, au nord du village

Hammond rue Gendron Street

Bourget ch de Comté 8, parallèle à la rue Lévis

Information : 613.673.1820 |

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