Teacher's Guide Sampler: Elevating Latino Stories

Grades K – 2

Rising Voices Themes and Anchor Texts

Rising Voices texts are organized by five culturally relevant themes. These themes provide springboards for all children to connect to concepts that resonate with their lives, experiences, and interests. The themes provide a lens for reading that guides readers to consider concepts and ideas that affirm, celebrate, and foster pride and confidence in their identities. In addition, you and your children will be able to use these themes to make connections between Rising Voices books and other texts you have been exploring in your classroom. Use Rising Voices books to help build discussion of these five essential themes within and across texts. Connect to Texts and Expand Thinking Anchor texts for each of the five Rising Voices themes are intended to be shared through an interactive, teacher-led read-aloud experience. Teaching Cards for each anchor text provide discussion questions and activities that bring the theme to the forefront, promoting discussion, conversation, and deep thinking. Building on anchor text instruction and discussion, you and your children can read on in the collection, continuing to make connections and deepen their exploration of each theme.

Anchor Texts Theme

Connect to Texts

Expand Thinking

Someone Like Me/ Memorable Characters How does finding ways that people I read about are like me help me to better understand myself and others? Family, Culture, and Community How do the people around me help me feel safe and enrich my life? How can I help others around me? How do the people around me help me feel like I belong?

• What problem do the people in the book face? • What makes the people in the book special? • Which friends and family

• Do things the main character says, does, or thinks remind me of myself or someone I know? • What might the author want me to take away from this book? • Do things the main character says, does, or thinks make me feel seen, respected, and valued for who I am and the experiences I’ve had?

Grade K

members is the main character closest to? • What makes the main character feel proud?

Grade 1

Grade 2

• Who are the characters in the book? • How do families or community members in the book help each other? • What do people in the book do to help their family or community? • How are the people in this book like people in my family and community? How are they different?

• What do I like most about my family? • What do I like most

Grade K

about my community? • How do my family and community help me? • What can I do to be helpful in my community?

Grade 1

Grade 2

14 • Rising Voices Library

8 Rising Voices | Elevating Latino Stories

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