2022 Fall Reliability and Security Seminar

Fall Reliability and Security Seminar October 4-5, 2022

Purpose: Discussions will focus on reliability and security of the bulk power system, with emphasis on topics that share a CIP (Security) and O&P (Reliability) element(s). Target Audience: This event will be of interest to operations, transmission, compliance, and training staff of registered entities responsible for compliance with NERC Reliability Standards. Objectives: • Identify and explore the connection between CIP (Security) and O&P (reliability) efforts. • Articulate and explain the connections and importance of strong compliance performance as a baseline for a secure and reliable environment. • Share best practices, case studies, observations and audit expectations that will help enhance security, reliability, and compliance programs. • Update on Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP) developments, lessons learned, and key messages WebEx begins at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern) The agenda allows time for Q&A after each presentation. Therefore, times listed are approximate and may vary.

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Presentation Disclaimer : SERC often provides nonbinding guidance to employees, representatives, contractors, or consultants of SERC registered entities regarding existing and emerging risks associated with Reliability Standards. The guidance is made in good faith, with limited information and based on opinions of SERC staff. Guidance on Reliability Standards ultimately depends on each entity’s unique facts and circumstances, quality of evidence, and the language of the Reliability Standards. If there is any conflict with SERC’s guidance with the applicable Reliability Standards, approved Implementation Guidance, or any rule, order, regulation, etc., the latter will govern.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

WebEx Logon Useful Links Questions for SERC Speaker Bios

8:00 a.m.

Breakfast Visit with Registered Entity Forum Steering Committee Members

8:30 a.m.


Ted Franks - SERC Director of Reliability Assurance

8:45 a.m.

Registered Entity Forum (REF)

Whether attending the seminar or not, registered entities may submit questions prior to the seminar to REF Steering Committee members at the email links below for discussion during the REF session. To avoid duplicative questions, please remember to check the Q&A and Lessons Learned webpage to see if your question has already been addressed.

REF Steering Committee Members Chair: Brad Arnold Manager, Policy & Compliance Ameren Missouri Moderator : Bill Thigpen Supervisor of Compliance Support PowerSouth Energy Cooperative Andy Ali Lead Compliance Analyst Duke Energy

Scribe: Eric Jebsen Senior Regulatory Engineer Exelon Generation Greg Davis

Regulatory Compliance Manager Georgia Transmission Corporation

Peggy McDannald Senior Reliability Compliance Specialist Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Jennifer Blair Compliance Specialist LG&E and KU Energy, LLC


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

WebEx Logon Useful Links Questions for SERC Speaker Bios

9:45 a.m.


* * * WebEx Begins * * *

10:00 a.m.

Welcome WebEx Attendees

Ted Franks- SERC Director of Reliability Assurance

Jason Blake - SERC President & CEO

10:10 a.m.

SERC Update

10:30 a.m.

Registration and Certification JRO vs CFR Information and QA

Peter Heidrich –SERC Principal Coordinator Certification & Registration

11:00 a.m.


11:15 a.m.

Early Adoption of Standards

Justin Kelly –SERC Senior CIP Engineer

11:40 a.m.

Standards Update

Dave Krueger –SERC Senior Program Manager, Operating Committee

12:00 p.m.



Tuesday, October 4, 2022

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Theme: Control Center Communications

1:00 p.m.

CIP-012 Overview and Recent Updates

Eric Howell- SERC Program Manager of Critical Infrastructure Protection

Rafael Lerdo –SERC CIP Auditor Robert Vaughn –SERC CIP Auditor

1:20 p.m.

CIP-012 Standard Walk-Through

1:50 p.m.

Entity Program

Carol Bowman - Southern Company EMS Infrastructure & Security Manager

2.10 p.m.

Control Center Communication Interdependency

Heath Martin –SERC Senior O&P Auditor

Lessons Learned, Best Practices

2:30 p.m.

Ernie Schism –SERC Reliability & Security Advisor


3:00 p.m.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

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Theme: Asset Identification

Matt Stryker – SERC Principal CIP Auditor Justin Kelly – SERC Senior CIP Engineer Courtney Ballard – SERC Legal Counsel

3:15 p.m.

CIP-002 Audit Experiences/Case Studies Trends and Lessons Learned

Dennis Glass - SERC Senior O&P Auditor

4:15 p.m.

PRC-005 Asset Organization

Ted Franks - SERC Director of Reliability Assurance

4:45 p.m.

Day 1: Wrap-up

5:00 p.m.



Wednesday, October 5, 2022

WebEx Logon Useful Links Questions for SERC Speaker Bios

8:00 a.m.

Breakfast Visit with Registered Entity Forum Steering Committee Members

8:30 a.m.

Welcome: Day 2

Ted Franks - SERC Director of Reliability Assurance

Theme: Physical Security

Andrew J. Arana - FPL Senior Manager, Transmission Services & Planning

8:35 a.m.

Substation Risk Assessments

9:10 a.m.

CIP-014 Audit Experiences/ Case Studies

Mark Givens- SERC CIP Auditor

9:40 a.m.

CIP-014-3 and TPL-001-4 Assessment Comparison

Joel Rogers - SERC Principal O&P Auditor

10:10 a.m.



Wednesday, October 5, 2022

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Travis Moran –SERC Senior Reliability and Security Advisor

10:20 a.m.

Design Basis Threat

10:50 a.m.

Drone or other Physical Security Research Topic

Kevin Berent –EPRI Technical Executive

Rick Dodd –SERC Senior CIP Compliance Specialist

11:20 a.m.

Align Update

11:50 a.m.


Ted Franks - SERC Director of Reliability Assurance

12:00 p.m.


WebEx Logon

The WebExsessionwillbe recorded.The recordingwillbe postedto theSERC website and will, therefore, become public .

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WebExcan be accessed using Eventbrite.

Participants will be muted upon entry to eliminate background noise. Please send questions through the Chat feature.

Slido Information SERC will be making use of slido to encourageAudience engagementas well as the Event Feedback Survey. Please scan the QR code below or go to slido.com #SERC

Hotel Information

The Spring Hill Suites by Marriott Charlotte Southwest has reserved guest rooms for attendees of the Fall Reliability and Security Seminar from Tuesday, October 4, 2022 through Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at the reduced rate of $129 (exclusive of applicable state and local taxes). The rate of $129 does include a complimentary breakfast. The room block will be available until Tuesday, September 20, 2022 or until the block is sold out; whichever comes first. Reservation requests received after September 20, 2022, will be accepted based on availability and at the hotel’s prevailing rate. Please click here to make Online Reservations.The hotel requires a credit card in order to guarantee the room and tax. Cancellations must be made 48 hours prior to arrival. Guests are responsible for their own room, tax, and incidentals. Guests who wish to extend their stay beyond the conference dates should make their reservations directly with the hotel. ADDITIONAL HOTEL INFORMATION Questions concerning hotel accommodations - Matt Bigg Visitor Guide

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Useful Links

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Registered Entity Forum CIP REF Steering Committee Members O&PREF SteeringCommitteeMembers

If you have a question you would like to submit anonymously, you may do so by contacting one of the Registered Entity Forum Steering Committee members.

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Questions for SERC

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• SERC Membership • SERC Committees • SERC Compliance& CommitteePortal/Committeerelated issues

• Registration and Certification Issues • Compliance monitoringmethods: o Self-Certification o Self-Report submittals o Compliance data submittals • Enforcement and Mitigation o Mitigation Plan submittals • SERC Compliance & Committee Portal-Compliance related issues


• Reliability Assessmentdata reporting • Reliability Assessmentforms • Annual Voting Rights • Reliability Data Reporting Portal


• Industry Subject Matter Expert (ISME) Program • Submitting an ISME application


• Situational Awareness • Events Analysis


Speaker Biographies

Jason Blake - SERC Mr. Blake is President and CEO for SERC and serves on its Board of Directors. As President and CEO, Mr. Blake leads SERC in its essential mission to reduce risks and ensure a reliable and secure electric grid across 16 southeastern and central states. This area covers approximately 630,000 square miles, a growing population in excess of 91 million, and a broad and diverse range of more than 275 electric utilities and power companies. Mr. Blake leads SERC’s essential mission with a commitment to operational excellence, innovation, inclusivity, and deploying resources in manner that makes a positive difference. Before being named President and CEO in 2018, Mr. Blake spent almost nine years serving as the Vice President and General Counsel for SERC’s northern neighbor and sister region, ReliabilityFirstCorporation. During that time, he helped lead RF through its start-up phase and into a sustainable risk-based organization focused on ensuring a reliable and secure electric grid across the Mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes regions of the U.S. Prior to this, Mr. Blake developed broad business and regulatory experience through his private practice with large, corporate law firms located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and then in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Blake is a graduate of the Ohio State University and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. He served on the Board of Directors for the American Heart Association for the Cleveland Metropolitan Area. He also enjoys the outdoors, a wide variety of music, and spending time with his wife, son, and daughter. Ted Franks - SERC As Director of Reliability Assurance, Mr. Franks is responsible for all aspects of SERC’s Compliance Monitoring, Registration, and Certification activities. This includes developing and implementing the strategy and vision for these responsibilities and ensuring that all Reliability Assurance activities are appropriately balanced by risk based processes and policies. He ensures that proper controls and procedures are in place to drive consistency, professionalism, and effective implementation of organizational strategy. Previously,Ted was theSeniorProgramManageratNorthAmericanTransmissionForum(NATF), where heprimarilyfocusedontheSystemOperationsandOperator TrainingPracticesGroupsandtheirsub-groups.Ted was alsotheManagerofTechnicalResourcesatSERC, where he ledtheSERC TechnicalCommittees,Operator Training, and Member Outreach. Priortohis firstpositionatSERC, Ted spentnineyears with theFederalEnergy RegulatoryCommission(FERC) where he servedas theDeputyDirectorin theOfficeof ElectricReliability. PriortoFERC, Ted worked atPJM for10 years inoperationsplanningandreal-timeoperations. Ted holdsaBachelorofSciencedegreeinIndustrial Engineeringanda Master’sof BusinessAdministration,bothfromPennStateUniversity .

Speaker Biographies

Peter Heidrich - SERC Peter joined the SERC Reliability Corporation in July 2019 as the Senior Coordinator of Certification and Registration. Peter is responsible for the administration of the SERC Functional Entity Registration and Certification processes, and is also responsible for the implementation and continued maintenance associated with the NERC Glossary of Terms definition of Bulk Electric System (BES) and administration of the Rules of Procedure (ROP) BES Exception Process. Previously Peter was with the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council, Inc. (FRCC) from August, 2008 to June 2019. As the FRCC Director of Reliability Performance & Registration, Peter was responsible for leading the Programs within the FRCC Region to enable the assessment and improvement in reliability performance of the FRCC BES. Responsibilities included Registration and Certification, Events Analysis and Situation Awareness, Reliability Standards Development, and System Operator Training. Within this capacity, Peter was responsible for the administration of the FRCC Functional Entity Registration and Certification processes, and was also responsible for the implementation and continued maintenance associated with the NERC Glossary of Terms definition of BES and administration of the ROP BES Exception Process. Peter served over eight years in the United States Navy in the Nuclear Power Program. Following his military service, he joined DTE Energy (Detroit Edison) in 1992 as a Nuclear Power Plant Operator at the Enrico Fermi II Power Plant (Newport, MI). In 1995, Peter transferred to the System Operations Department where he qualified as a System Operator, and obtained his NERC System Operator Certification. Peter also served in the position of Control Room Supervisor. From 2004 to 2008, Peter served as Manager- Protection Authority with the responsibilities of managing the Hazardous Energy Controls (Red Tag Protection) programs for the corporation. Peter holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, graduating with Honors, from the University of Phoenix. Peter has been a NERC Certified Reliability Coordinator since 2000 Justin Kelly - SERC In September 2019, Justin joined SERC Reliability Corporation as a Senior CIP Auditor. In September 2021, Justin joined the Risk Assessment and Mitigation group as a Senior CIP Engineer. Previously, Justin Kelly was an Electrical Engineer with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Washington, DC. He was a sub-team lead for both CIP Version 5 and CIP-014 FERC-led audits. Justin has also been involved in monitoring Standard Drafting Teams, drafting FERC Orders, reviewing CIP related sanctions filed or posted by NERC, and observing regional entity audits. He primarily focused on CIP Reliability Standards during his time at FERC, but also was a technical team lead for Geomagnetic Disturbance and Electromagnetic Pulse research and standards projects. Justin received a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from Virginia Polytechnic and State University in 2009. He is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Maryland and is a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP).

Speaker Biographies

Dave Krueger - SERC Dave Krueger has been with SERC for four years and is currently the Senior Program Manager, Operations. Prior to that, Dave spent nearly 14 years at ISO New England. He worked in IT, Real-Time and Day Ahead Markets, and spent his last 10 years working in the EMS Modeling and Real-Time Support group and the final 5 as supervisor of the group. Dave has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master’s Degree in Power Systems Management from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Eric Howell - SERC Eric Howell is the SERC Program Manager, Critical Infrastructure Protection, responsible for the SERC CIPC including the Physical Security Subcommittee and the CIP Tools Working Group. Eric came to SERC from Georgia Systems Operation (GASOC) where he was responsible for designing and supporting the CIP infrastructure and compliance that encompassed the Energy Management Systems (EMS) monitoring and controlling the grid resources for Georgia Transmission, Oglethorpe Power and their member coops. He has also designed and implemented interfacing and communications for GE turbines around the world allowing them to communicate with the Monitoring and Diagnostic Center in Atlanta, GA. Over his career he has had the opportunity to work in many industries including teaching the hardware, software and physics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. He designing and implementing network and computer infrastructures for financial processing companies, heavy equipment manufacturing companies, communications companies, and international governments. Throughout his career Eric has had the opportunity to work with and interact with people and cultures around the world as he brought technology to organizations and taught the skills to maintain this technology.

Speaker Biographies

Rafael Lerdo - SERC Rafael joined the CIP Compliance audit team at SERC Reliability Corporation in September 2018. Previously, Rafael joined the NERC ERO at Florida Reliability Coordinating Council Inc. (FRCC) in 2016. While at FRCC, he managed and coordinated the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Compliance Program that monitors and enforces compliance with NERC CIP Reliability Standards. Rafael has more than 30 years of information technology experience in operating systems and network operations specializing in cybersecurity and compliance. He has managed information security, compliance, and risk management programs for NERC Regional Entities, United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), and United States Special Operation Command (USSOCOM), as well as other Fortune 500 companies. Rafael holds a number of certifications, including: Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Microsoft Systems Engineer (MSCE), Security+, and Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Foundation V5. Rafael holds a Bachelor of Business degree in Computer Information Systems (MIS) from the University of Puerto Rico. Robert Vaughn - SERC Robert Vaughn joined SERC in April of 2018. Prior to joining SERC Robert was a Senior Compliance Auditor for the Southwest Power Pool Regional Entity (SPPRE) for three years. Prior to joining the SPPRE, Robert was a Senior IT Auditor for the Windstream Communications Internal Audit Team for 3 years where he focused on Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) IT risk areas. Robert acquired a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems with Quantitative Analysis from the University of Arkansas Fayetteville in 1998. Robert is also a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).

Speaker Biographies

Carol Bowman - Southern Company Carol Bowman is the Manager of the Infrastructure and Security Engineering group in Energy Management Systems at Southern Company. She leads a group that is responsible for system infrastructure, network engineering and cyber security for systems critical to the reliable operations of the bulk electric system. She has extensive background in and thorough knowledge of Real-time systems, support of the operation of the bulk power system, and expert knowledge of the NERC CIP Standards. She is an active member of the Transmission Forum (NATF).

Carol started her career at Southern Company as a Co-op student. Carol earned a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Alabama, Birmingham. She has worked in several different areas of the EMS department from Operations, to Compliance and now Infrastructure and Security with increasing responsibilities over time.

Heath Martin - SERC Heath joined SERC in September of 2012. Prior to joining SERC, Heath worked for Entergy for eighteen years and Southwest Power Pool (SPP) for four years. Heath began his career with Gulf States Utilities in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, starting in field services and progressed to distribution operations. He was responsible for supporting roughly 300 linemen/ servicemen and 600K customers in South Louisiana. He started his Bulk Electric System career in 2000 in the Entergy System Operation Center in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and transferred to the Entergy Energy Management Organization in The Woodlands, Texas in 2006. Heath is NERC Certified and currently holds an NERC RC Certification. While at SPP, Heath was the Supervisor of the SPP RC Southern Region and Tariff Administration for the Independent Coordinator of Transmission Entergy (ICTE). His primary focus was to ensure reliable operation of the BES within the Southern Region of SPP. His supervisor responsibilities included SPP member support and managing operational staff to assure the operators’ training and job task qualifications supported reliable operation of the bulk electric system. Other duties included coordinating with registered entities within the RC footprint so problematic transmission and generation outages could be safely mitigated. Heath also worked closely with the SPP RTO internal compliance group and operational support staff to make sure NERC standard updates were properly implemented within the affected operational areas. Heath was also a member of the NERC RCWG/ORS

Speaker Biographies

Ernie Schism - SERC Ernie Schism currently serves as a Reliability and Security Advisor at SERC Reliability Corporation. Mr. Schism brings 28 years of experience in the Information Technology field and 12 years of Cyber Security experience to the SERC Outreach and Assistance team. Prior to joining SERC in early 2022, Mr. Schism served as the Senior VP of Security and Systems at Cogentrix Energy where he oversaw the company’s IT security programs, IT coordination with CIP compliance teams, IT systems infrastructure/applications and power plant M&A IT activities. Prior to joining Cogentrix Energy in 2005, Mr. Schism held IT management positions with TransUnion Settlement Solutions, Freightliner/Daimler-Chrysler and US Foodservice. Mr. Schism received his AS degree in Electronics Engineering in 1988 and throughout the course of his professional career in the Information Technology field, has attained several professional certifications including: ISC2 CISSP, Microsoft MCSE and MCT, Cisco CCNA and CCNP, and VMWare VCP. . Matt Stryker - SERC Matt joined the CIP Compliance audit team at SERC Reliability Corporation in January 2019. Previously, Matt Stryker was a Supervisor of CIP with Georgia System Operations Corporation (GSOC) in Tucker, Georgia. He worked in the Security Operations department on both physical and electronic security processes in support of Georgia Transmission (GTC) and GSOC’s compliance with the NERC CIP Reliability Standards. Mr. Stryker performed similar roles as a Group Lead of CIP for Georgia Transmission Corporation (GTC) since 2012. Previously, Mr. Stryker held positions as a Senior CIP Compliance Auditor and later as the Manager of CIP Compliance Monitoring at SERC Reliability Corporation. He served as an Audit Team Lead or team member during audits of compliance with NERC Reliability Standards in the SERC Region. Matt has more than 15 years of security experience in asset management, physical security, network operations, and compliance. Matt holds the ASIS Physical Security Professional (PSP) and the ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certifications. Matt holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from Georgia Tech

Speaker Biographies

Courtney Ballard - SERC Courtney Ballard began working at SERC in 2019 as Legal Counsel in the Legal and Enforcement departments. The majority of her work is focused on processing entity violations with NERC Reliability Standards, engaging with state regulators through numerous outreach activities, and providing general legal support to SERC. She has seven years of experience as an attorney. Prior to joining SERC, Courtney practiced law in a general civil litigation and criminal defense firm in Charlotte and served as a judicial extern for Chief Judge Frank D. Whitney of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina. Courtney’s passion for regulatory and compliance matters stemmed from the time she spent as a legal intern for SERC from 2013-2015. Courtney Ballard has a Juris Doctor from Charlotte School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts degree with majors in Political Science and Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dennis Glass - SERC Dennis joined SERC in August of 2022. Prior to joining SERC, Dennis worked for Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. for ten years. Dennis has twenty-five years of auditing experience, including ten years in the electric power industry and fifteen years with ISO 9001 quality management systems in the semiconductor and touchscreen industries. His work experience includes worldwide supervisory and management positions in operations, procurement, planning, scheduling, inventory control, and logistics. Dennis has expertise in the collection, analysis, documentation, and reporting of data, and enforces reliability standards as a member of the O&P Monitoring team. Additionally, Dennis is the chairman of the NERC Manual Task Force (MTF), which is responsible for developing, maintaining, and providing training on the NERC Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Manual. While at Texas RE, Dennis participated as the Audit Team Lead or an Audit Team Member in audits, self-certifications, and spot checks involving over 130 registered entities. In addition to his audit-related responsibilities, Dennis conducted compliance evaluations for reportable events in the Texas RE region, managed employee training records, participated as a team member on the NERC Coordinated Oversight Task Force, partnered with NERC staff to lead Audit Team Leader / Audit Team Member training, tested Align releases 2 through 4, and conducted Align training with Texas RE staff and registered entities.

Speaker Biographies

Andrew J Arana - Florida Power and Light Dr. Andrew Arana is the senior manager of Transmission Planning at Florida Power & Light (FPL). Prior to this position he was a principal transmission planning engineer at FPL with focus areas in stability analysis, transfer capability analysis, design of remedial action schemes, and inverter-based resource modeling. Andrew represents FPL in NERC, EPRI, IEEE, and ESIG working groups. Andrew spent his first 4 years at FPL working in Operations Engineering before moving to Transmission Planning. He continues to support Operations Engineers and provide training to control center operators. He received his Ph.D. and MSEE from Virginia Tech, and BSEE from Dalhousie University.

Mark Givens - SERC Mark joined the CIP Compliance audit team at SERC Reliability Corporation in December 2021.

Mark entered the electric power industry in 2007 and has more than 15 years of experience in energy and utility related regulatory compliance, including FERC, NERC and United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) regulated environments. Mr. Givens began his career in the industry working at NRG Energy, ultimately becoming a NERC Certified System Operator. He later joined Entergy’s Nuclear Operations business unit, continuing with success in the Nuclear Security organization as a Program Manager/Supervisor. There he was responsible for ensuring compliance to the Code of Federal Regulations enforced by the USNRC. There, Mr. Givens achieved much success as exemplified through outstanding regulatory performance, exiting rigorous NRC inspections and quality assurance audits without violation. There he gained notoriety with NRC inspectors and industry peers as an advocate for excellence. Keeping with his desire to contribute and add value, when the opportunity presented itself, Mark desired to return to the world of NERC Compliance. In 2016, he joined Entergy’s NERC Compliance team as a Sr. Compliance Specialist. Capitalizing on his previous experiences as a NERC Certified System Operator and as a Nuclear Security Program Manager, Mark’s focus was given to CIP Compliance, primarily working with the physical standards. He was later promoted to the Ethics & Regulatory Compliance team, providing oversight of Entergy’s FERC Compliance program. Mr. Givens attended Southern University, Baton Rouge where he studied Civil Engineering. Through his experience, he has demonstrated a consistent track record of outstanding work performance.

Speaker Biographies

Joel Rogers - SERC Joel Rogers joined SERC Reliability Corporation as a Compliance Auditor in June 2014. Previously, Mr. Rogers was the Compliance Administrator for Cooperative Energy formerly known as South Mississippi Electric Power Association (SMEPA) in Hattiesburg, MS. In this role, Joel provided counsel to management and directed operations, planning, and critical infrastructure protection staff regarding NERC Reliability Standards compliance. Before taking on the Compliance Administrator role, Joel worked in operations planning for 3 years and Transmission Planning for 1 year. During this time, Joel performed engineering studies, prepared publications, and trained System Operators on peak loading, blackstart restoration, and abnormal transmission system conditions. Joel maintained power system models for both operations and transmission planning and he participated in the development of long-range transmission plans. Joel represented Cooperative Energy on SERC’s Long Term Study Group, Operations Planning Subcommittee, and Near Term Study Group. Prior to joining Cooperative Energy, Mr. Rogers worked for Southern Company Services in Transmission Planning and Mississippi Power Company in Distribution Engineering and Operations. Mr. Rogers graduated from Mississippi State University with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, with an emphasis in power, in December 2005. Joel is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Mississippi, a NERC Certified System Operator at the Reliability Coordinator level, and a Certified Government Auditing Professional. Mr. Rogers served in the U.S. Navy from 1995 to 2000 as an aviation electrician on the F/A – 18 Hornet. Travis Moran - SERC Travis Moran is a Senior Reliability and Security Advisor at SERC Reliability Corporation. Travis Moran is a retired law enforcement professional with over 26 years of enforcement, security, and intelligence experience. During his tours of duty, Travis worked both domestically and internationally on a variety of criminal matters including narcotics and weapon trafficking organizations, terrorism, mass murders, explosives, and bank and immigration fraud. Upon retirement from federal service, Moran became a Senior Investigator with one of the nation's largest utilities, where he was certified in the Continuous Risk Management (CRM) system to conduct counter-terrorism security risk assessments on the utility’s critical assets. Moran later served as the Senior Physical Security Specialist for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) Electricity Information Sharing & Analysis Center (E-ISAC), whereby he helped found and lead the utility sector's Physical Security Advisory Group (PSAG) dedicated to identifying and protecting the North American power grid (GRID) from acts of international and domestic terrorism. The PSAG led the foundation of the utility sector's first Design Basis Threat (DBT) in concert with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The DBT is currently in use and is updated annually to identify and enumerate threats to the Grid. Travis has additionally become a nationally recognized subject matter expert regarding threats posed to companies from unmanned aircraft systems (UAS/drones). Travis holds a Master of Arts in Criminology, Law, and Society from George Mason University, a Master of Science in Criminology from Indiana State University, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from James Madison University.

Speaker Biographies

Kevin Berent - EPRI Kevin Berent is a Technical Executive at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). His current work is focused on transmission and substations, and includes topics such as safety, training, and resilience (physical security, countering the drone threat, etc.). Some of his earlier EPRI projects centered around sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and alternatives to SF6. Prior to EPRI, Kevin was a Director at the North American Transmission Forum (NATF), and a Manager at the SERC Reliability Corporation. For eight years he focused on improving the reliability and resiliency of the bulk electric system in the United States and Canada. He brings a diverse leadership background including manufacturing and industrial engineering (Michelin), service and sales (Cintas), and military service (a navigator in the United States Air Force). Kevin earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from the United States Air Force Academy. Additionally, he has a Master of Science degree in Operations Management from the University of Arkansas, and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of South Carolina. Rick Dodd - SERC Rick Dodd has over 41 years management and technical experience in all aspects of IT and Information Security along with more than 14 years specializing in Critical Infrastructure Protection within the electric utility industry. Rick joined SERC as a Senior CIP Compliance Specialist within the Risk Assessment and Mitigation (RAM) team on July 1, 2019, and prior to that was with the former FRCC Regional Entity since January 1, 2013. His current responsibilities include assessing overall Registered Entity risk and working with Entities to review, accept, track, and verify their noncompliance activity and associated Mitigation Plans pertaining to issues or violations of NERC Reliability Standards. Prior to joining FRCC, he was a senior member of the DYONYX Energy Practice Team for 5 years, participating on NERC working groups and numerous client engagements relevant to the CIP Reliability Standard and NEI 08-09 including many engagements at Registered Entities throughout the continental US and Canada. During his 26 year tenure with Verizon Data Services, he also managed an Information Security team of more than 30 employees. He brings demonstrated expertise in gathering business requirements, business process analysis, setting policies and standards, trouble shooting, tuning, and system evaluation. His wide versatility in multiple computing environments, with a strong understanding of object-oriented technologies, web services and workflow technologies, complements the needs of the team. He has directed and participated in the selection of hardware and software, building proof-of-concept/pilot projects aiding in deployment of enterprise-wide systems. Rick is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and holds a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems (MSCIS), a Master of Business Administration (MBA), and a Bachelor of Science in Professional Management from Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Questions concerning registration and meeting content - Lynn Black

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