2022 Fall Reliability and Security Seminar

Speaker Biographies

Carol Bowman - Southern Company Carol Bowman is the Manager of the Infrastructure and Security Engineering group in Energy Management Systems at Southern Company. She leads a group that is responsible for system infrastructure, network engineering and cyber security for systems critical to the reliable operations of the bulk electric system. She has extensive background in and thorough knowledge of Real-time systems, support of the operation of the bulk power system, and expert knowledge of the NERC CIP Standards. She is an active member of the Transmission Forum (NATF).

Carol started her career at Southern Company as a Co-op student. Carol earned a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Alabama, Birmingham. She has worked in several different areas of the EMS department from Operations, to Compliance and now Infrastructure and Security with increasing responsibilities over time.

Heath Martin - SERC Heath joined SERC in September of 2012. Prior to joining SERC, Heath worked for Entergy for eighteen years and Southwest Power Pool (SPP) for four years. Heath began his career with Gulf States Utilities in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, starting in field services and progressed to distribution operations. He was responsible for supporting roughly 300 linemen/ servicemen and 600K customers in South Louisiana. He started his Bulk Electric System career in 2000 in the Entergy System Operation Center in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and transferred to the Entergy Energy Management Organization in The Woodlands, Texas in 2006. Heath is NERC Certified and currently holds an NERC RC Certification. While at SPP, Heath was the Supervisor of the SPP RC Southern Region and Tariff Administration for the Independent Coordinator of Transmission Entergy (ICTE). His primary focus was to ensure reliable operation of the BES within the Southern Region of SPP. His supervisor responsibilities included SPP member support and managing operational staff to assure the operators’ training and job task qualifications supported reliable operation of the bulk electric system. Other duties included coordinating with registered entities within the RC footprint so problematic transmission and generation outages could be safely mitigated. Heath also worked closely with the SPP RTO internal compliance group and operational support staff to make sure NERC standard updates were properly implemented within the affected operational areas. Heath was also a member of the NERC RCWG/ORS

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