2022 Fall Reliability and Security Seminar

Purpose: Discussions will focus on reliability and security of the bulk power system, with emphasis on topics that share a CIP (Security) and O&P (Reliability) element(s). Target Audience: This event will be of interest to operations, transmission, compliance, and training staff of registered entities responsible for compliance with NERC Reliability Standards. Objectives: • Identify and explore the connection between CIP (Security) and O&P (reliability) efforts. • Articulate and explain the connections and importance of strong compliance performance as a baseline for a secure and reliable environment. • Share best practices, case studies, observations and audit expectations that will help enhance security, reliability, and compliance programs. • Update on Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP) developments, lessons learned, and key messages WebEx begins at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern) The agenda allows time for Q&A after each presentation. Therefore, times listed are approximate and may vary.

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Presentation Disclaimer : SERC often provides nonbinding guidance to employees, representatives, contractors, or consultants of SERC registered entities regarding existing and emerging risks associated with Reliability Standards. The guidance is made in good faith, with limited information and based on opinions of SERC staff. Guidance on Reliability Standards ultimately depends on each entity’s unique facts and circumstances, quality of evidence, and the language of the Reliability Standards. If there is any conflict with SERC’s guidance with the applicable Reliability Standards, approved Implementation Guidance, or any rule, order, regulation, etc., the latter will govern.

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