Board Converting News, May 13, 2024

The Perfect Combo Get Peak Performance From Your Equipment with Matched Component Sets


Chespa : Winner, Sustainability Programs Miraclon : Winner, Innovations in Sustainability MacDermid Graphics Solutions : Honorable Mention, Innovations in Sustainability Sun Chemical : Honorable Mention, Innovations in Sus- tainability Tempo Flexible Packaging : Honorable Mention, Sus- tainability Programs

Nothing’s more rewarding than a couple made for each other.

Technical Innovation Award - Miraclon

That’s why the engineers at ARC International have focused their skills and talents on crafting perfect matches between the components that must work in tandem on your flexo folder gluers and die-cutters: • Anilox Rollers and Ink Chambers • Anilox and Wiper Rollers • Feed and Pull Rollers • Glue and Meter Rollers You can achieve the press speeds and print quality you need to fill your most demanding orders by pairing your team with The ARChitects of Flexo . Contact ARC today to learn how these engineered matches of flexo folder gluer and die-cutter components (new or reconditioned) can help you achieve a more perfect union of production and profits.

The Technical Innovation Award, which for more than 25 years has recognized the most innovative and impact- ful technologies for the ever-evolving flexographic indus- try, was presented to: • Miraclon : Winner, Prepress-Graphics for its Shine LED Lamp Kit, which the company says can eliminate plate re- makes due to inconsistent plate exposure. • Techkon : Winner, Prepress-Pressroom for its SmartINK user interface, embedded directly int its ChromaQA plat- form, which the company credits with providing opera- tors immediate feedback regarding important print color metrics and corrective actions regarding density, TWI (dot area), 2-color overprints and gray balance. The FTA Hall of Fame is a group of men and women who have most affected the Association and the flexog- raphic industry. The 2024 honoree is Jack Fulton, who has been involved in the industry for 45 years. His name is synonymous with jump-starting the graphics business in corrugated print- ing. He is an expert in the high-end color arena and played pivotal roles in the development and evolution of plate and mounting systems. The President’s Award is given to individuals selected by FTA’s president who demonstrate commitment to sup- porting the Association. This year’s recipients are Alix Guy- ot and Hank Welter. Both have made wide-ranging and profound contributions to the success of FTA, exemplified by their stand-out service and volunteer spirit. Jack Fulton

The ARChitects of Flexo

SINCE 1984 800-526-4569


May 13, 2024

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