BPP University Law School prospectus 2019/20

An award-winning Pro Bono Centre.

Pro bono is professional legal work undertaken voluntarily and without charge. It’s an invaluable part of the training you’ll receive at BPP University Law School.

Our projects.

Here are just some of our pro bono projects available: • BPP Legal Advice Clinic (BLAC) – interviewing and advising clients on a range of legal issues • BLAC Enterprise Clinic – providing commercial advice to start-ups and charities • Employment Law Telephone Advice Line (ELTAL) – interviewing callers with employment law issues • Streetlaw – delivering public legal education across schools, prisons, homeless shelters and more • Legal Translation Service (LTS) – providing legal advice centres and not-for-profit organisations with free interpretation and translation • LEASE Case Summaries – summarising cases from the First-tier Property Tribunal which are then made available to the public on the LEASE website Find a project probono.bppuniversity. ac.uk/students

We provide pro bono opportunities at all our centres to match your interests and the time you have available. All are delivered by BPP University Law School students, with guidance from qualified lawyers. Some projects run nationwide, and others reflect the needs of local communities. These cover a wide range of legal areas including employment, housing and family law.

What will you gain from pro bono work?

By volunteering for a project with BPP Pro Bono Centre, you’ll see the impact of law in everyday life while impressing future employers. Your free time has never been better spent.

• Help improve access to justice • Practise vital legal skills like presentation, research techniques and working with real clients • Experience different areas of law • Enhance your understanding of academic theory • Work alongside qualified lawyers

Advice Quality Standard Awarded to the BPP Legal Advice Clinic (BLAC) Leadership of the Year UK Social Mobility Awards 2019 (shortlisted) Best New Pro Bono Activity LawWorks Pro Bono Awards 2018 Best Pro Bono Contribution The Yorkshire Legal Awards 2018

Since 2016, we’ve provided free legal education to over

members of the public through our Streetlaw project.


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