Forum on Education Abroad - Vision Snapshot Groupings

not only have contributed to a significant expansion of study abroad participation on the part of historically underrepresented populations, but that, through our standards of best practice, we have been successful in improving the field's support of these populations while they are abroad. We can accomplish this through increased membership from other types of organizations that host students in education abroad programs. We recognize that this vision starts at home and you see it in our Board, Council, staff, committees and working groups reflect our commitment to diversity. More diversity in our membership Diverse individuals attending and leading our events Inclusive membership from various types of organizations and individuals who are engaged with education abroad from the U.S. and around the world Membership now includes lots of professional, vocational schools and community colleges. The Forum's membership profile reflects the diversity of students studying abroad within and outside the US The membership is truly diverse (institutional types, locations around the world, those sending and/or receiving) and represents all entities involved in student mobility. That we not only have contributed to a significant expansion of study abroad participation on the part of historically underrepresented populations, but that, through our standards of best practice, have been successful in improving the field's support of these populations while they are abroad. That arguments about EA being the domain of predominately white, affluent students no longer carry weight. Increased access to both on-site and virtual global learning opportunities to underrepresented students. New metrics to count participation? Membership now includes many HBCUs, TCUs, HSIs, etc. A rich diversity in the students studying abroad Forum on Education Abroad merges with Diversity Abroad organization, citing that "all Education Abroad should be inclusive and equitable, and it simply makes sense for our organizations to merge under that shared commitment Increased membership from other types of organizations that host students in education abroad programs. Our Board, Council, staff, committees and working groups reflect our commitment to diversity. The Forum's strengths are reflected in the broad cross-section of institutions of higher learning that are represented, across higher education categories (large research universities, four year public and private universities, community colleges, non-profit (and for-profit) providers, etc. In 2025 all HBCUs and TCUs are active with the Forum and have representatives on campus who actively engage with the standards. Unique program models are shared by these institutions and in order to foster greater cultural understanding and depth of engagement with institutional missions, partnerships have been formed with cultural organizations in places with indigenous studies programs, led by indigenous practitioners who are all granted membership based on their

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