CWU Graduate Studies Search Piece 2024-25


Whether you’re interested in honing your administrative management skills, continuing your undergraduate research, advancing your teaching career, or wanting to study something new—you belong at CWU. Imagine yourself leading your field, using the expertise and knowledge you gain from a program tailored to your goals.

JESS OSCAVICH Master of Science in Primate Behavior

After earning her bachelor’s degree in small animal science, Jess Oscavich shifted from veterinary technology to her passion for primates. She built a strong professional network through small class sizes and a supportive faculty. Oscavich led the Primate Awareness Network and served as a graduate and teaching assistant, enriching her scientific and community engagement.


Everything that I’ve learned here has really helped me to understand my field. I’ll go into my career with a better foundation of what they need and what I can give them.

NAOMI WHITING Master of Arts in History, 2024

Whiting pursued a graduate program focused on the fashion of Russian aristocracy before the end of the Romanov period, allowing her to collaborate with CWU faculty from various fields. Her final project, an exhibit detailing the intricacies and social standards of Romanoff clothing, showcased her lifelong fascination with historical dress. She hand-crafted three full-size replicas of aristocratic dresses, which were displayed in the Museum of Culture and Environment.

The support from both faculty and my fellow students throughout this project has been nothing short of stellar. The connections I’ve made here will stay with me for the rest of my career for sure.


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