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Too many people consider back pain a normal experience of their lives and don’t immediately seek support that could make the pain an issue of the past. Working with a physical therapist is,handsdown,thebestthingthatyoucandowhen youare looking toovercomebackpain.Aphysical therapist can identify thecauseof thebackpainandpresentyouwith helpfulstrategies thatcanstrengthenyourbackand reduce the severity of your pain. Physical therapy for back pain often includesacombinationoftargetedmassage,flexibility and range of motion training, muscle building, and targeted stretchingtechniques.Usingthesestrategies incombination withanti-inflammatorymedication,asrecommendedbyyour physician, is often considered the most-efficient approach tohandlingbackpainand isrecommendedbytheAmerican Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.
Does life ever feel like one large pain in the back? Back pain is difficult to deal with on a daily basis, yet for so many people, this is a total reality. By certain estimates, as many as 85 percent of adults in the United States struggle with back pain at some point in their lives. The most common typeofbackpainexperienced is inthe lowerback,and itcan happen for any variety of reasons. Being in a car accident can cause you to experience lingering back pain for years after the accident. Accidents at work can lead to similar consequences. But sometimes the cause of your back pain isn’t as straightforward. Back pain can also develop for any numberofcommon reasons— things thatyoudoeveryday withoutthinkingtwice.Anolddeskchairthatdoesn’tprovide much lumbar support can take its toll over time, as can wearingshoesthatdon’thavemuchsupport,orevengaining weight, particularly around the stomach area.
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Contest for past and present patients only. Please allow 60 days if you have won a prize for the Misspelled Mania.Thank you! Congratulations To This Month’s Winner! Steve Tillson
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