Sciaticapaindevelops in thenerves thatconnect the lower back to the legs, and so while the pain itself is generatedfromtheback,a lotoftime,theexperience of thepain ismore largelyassociatedwith theupper legs. What’s more, sciatica pain doesn’t always develop like pain in the traditional sense. Sciatica pain instead causes a buildup of tingling, numbness andweakness inthe lowerbackandupper legs,andthe pain isn’tconsistenteither.Thesensationwilltypically run through the leg in waves, causing discomfort at seemingly unpredictable times. If you are experiencing back pain and you haven’t talked to a medical professional about the concern, then now is the time to take action. Working with a physical therapist can cut your time struggling with back pain literally in half. For more information about overcoming back pain, contact us at (423) 262-0020. Source: www.spine-health.com/conditions/sciatica/what- you-need-know-about-sciatica
Being educated about your back pain can help you make the right choices to overcome it as quickly as possible.Oneofthebiggestproblemswithbackpain is that it lingers.This leads many people to deal with back pain for years on end without seemingly any end in sight. While there is back pain that develops as a result of strainorsprain,there isalsosomethingcalled lowback degenerative disc disease, which happens when the discs inyourspineweaken.Thisfrequentlydevelopsas aresultofrepeatitiveback injuryandcanalsodevelop as a result of age. With degenerative disc disease, the space between the discs begins to collapse and becomeunstableandwillcausebackpaintodevelop. Whenyouworkwithaphysicaltherapisttoovercome back pain as a result of degenerative disc disease, your physical therapist will begin by strengthening core muscle groups, which includes the abdominal wall,andwillprovideyouwith targetedmassageand stretching techniques to alleviate pain. Whilesomebackpain iseasyto identifyaspain,such as isthecasewithdegenerativediscdisease,thereare
other situations in which the pain may be a bit more complicatedtounderstand.Oneofthemostcommon back issuesexperienced intheUnitedStates issciatica pain, and this sort of pain is often a lot more difficult to identify — especially by those who aren’t familiar with the problem. How can you tell the difference between back pain and sciatica pain? The answer is that sciatica pain is characterized by the following factors: • Constant pain is only present in one side of the buttocks or leg • The legpaindevelopsmoreasaburning,tinglingor searing sensation, and not as a plain ache • There isasharppain thatoccursat times,making it sometimes difficult to stand or walk • The pain is radiating, shooting down the leg and sometimes even into the feet and toes • The pain becomes worse when you are sitting
Relieve Pain In Minutes
Helps Relieve Back Pain
Try this movement if you have back pain.
PRONE ALTERNATE ARM & LEG LIFT Lying flat on your stomach, slowly raise your right leg and left arm off of the ground. Keep your arms and legs straight. Inhale while lifting up. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Exhale while setting down. Repeat using the opposite arm and leg. Alternate 3 times on each side.
Whether you want to come in for a check-up, suffered a recent injury or you want to improve your health, a physician referral is not needed. In the state of Tennessee you have direct access to physical therapy! You have the power to choose. Just as you can fill a prescription for medication at a pharmacy of your choice, you can choose where to receive physical therapy as well. Taking care of yourself means taking charge of your healthcare, so remember that regardless of which physician you see, you have a choice when it comes to physical therapy.
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