Exercise Essentials Try this exercise to help keep you moving...
Helps Low Back Pain
BRACE - BILATER- AL BENT LEG LIFT While lying on your back with your knees bent, raise up both feet. Use your stomach muscles to keep your spine from moving.
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...you all have also helped my mind and spiritual soul. “Dear All, I want to give an enormous thank you to everyone. Each one of you had very comforting and embracing thoughts for me that will be what gets me through these days. It is so special to have sincere friends that care. I feel that makes you all my Florida family. You all have helped my physical body, but know you all have also helped my mind and spiritual soul. You have done what I told my boys as I tucked them in. Think if you have done one thing for your fellow person, even a smile goes a long way. Hug your loved ones and hold them dear.” - Jackie
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