Talbot - Christ in the Tabernacle


The Tabernacle Nearly two thousand years ago God looked for some to whom He might show kindness for the sake of Another. For Jesus' sake He loved us with an everlasting love. He sought us out when we were lame, helpless to fight against the enemy of our souls, hiding from His holy Presence in fear and dread. He brought us into His "banqueting house," and "his banner over" us "was love" (Song of Sol- omon 2:4). He invited us to the King's Table, bidding us become the "sons of God," by believing in the name of His well beloved Son. And as we are seated at His Table, all our imperfections, all our lameness, all our frailties are hidden, covered by the precious blood of the Son of God, who is Himself the King. What love! What grace! Shall we not show our love for Him by going out into the highways and byways, to tell the millions of others of His gracious invitation to sit at the King's Table? We shall as His never-dying love fills our souls, as the Living Bread satisfies and strengthens our hearts, enabling us to heed His great commission, As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. ... Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (John 20:21; Mark 16:15).

Chapter X THE GOLDEN ALTAR OF INCENSE Christ-Our "Advocate with the Father'' Exodus 30:1-10, 34-38; 37:25-28; 40:5, 26, 27; Num. 4:5, 11, 15, 20 owhere in all the Jewish tabernacle do "The Glories of Christ" shine forth with more radiance and beauty than in the golden altar of incense, which stood before the veil in the Holy Place. It was directly in front of ~he ark o_f the covenant and mercy seat, which stood within the veil in the Holy of Holies, only this beautiful hanging of fine twined linen, embroidered with cherubim of blue, purple, and scarlet, separating it from the Shekinah Glory, which rested in a pillar of cloud and fire above the mercy seat. On the left of the golden altar of incense the candlestick shed its light upon everything in the Holy Place; while to the right, just opposite the candlestick, stood the table of shewbread. Thus the altar, before which Aaron offered sweet incense to God, as he prayed for the people, became another important link in "the shadow of the cross," formed by the six pieces of furniture in the Jewish taber- nacle and in the outer court. For the description given by the Holy Spirit concern- ing the golden altar, we turn to the passages of Scripture listed at the beginning of this lesson. According to the God-given "pattern," it was made of the same incorrup- tible acacia wood, from which other articles in the taber- nacle were fashioned. This durable wood, ever reminding us of the sinless humanity of our Lord, was covered over -with pure gold, which once more speaks to us of His eternal deity; for the golden altar prefigured our Great High Priest and "Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the [219]

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