Talbot - Christ in the Tabernacle

The Tabernacle His throne-room to meet sinful man at the brazen altar, and to lead His redeemed back with Him into His very throne-room. He could do this only by the Person and work of His beloved Son and our Great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, foreshadowed in the Levitical priest- hood that was established with Aaron and his sons. Only because of the ministry of Christ, our Mediator, our Ad- vocate with the Father, can we hold communion with our holy God. That would seem to be the reason why the Holy Spirit pauses just at Exod. 28, 29 to set forth in shadow and in type the glories of Him who was to come to minister in the heavenly sanctuary, "which the Lord built, and not man." And that is why we pause just at this point in our study to let the Holy Spirit teach us something of the priestly work of Christ, that we may better understand the fulness of His love and grace, pre- figured in the earthly sanctuary which God told Moses to build for His dwelling place among His chosen people, Israel. In these two chapters before us, and in Lev. 8, 9, we see minute details concerning the dress of the priests, their consecration to the sacred office, their food, and their ministry. To assist them in the service of the tabernacle, God gave to Aaron the Levites, whom he, in turn, gave back to God as an offering unto the Lord. We shall have more to say about these later in this lesson; but first let us compare the person and work of Aaron with that of Christ, as presented to us by the Spirit of God in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Without this New Testament com- mentary on the Law of Moses, we should be in the dark about many rich and precious lessons concerning the Per- son and ministry of Jesus, our Great High Priest, before the "throne of grace."


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