Talbot - Christ in the Tabernacle


The Tabernacle 290 of Atonement, as it were, to establish His promised king- dom over the house of Jacob. On the basis of the shed blood of the Paschal Lamb "all Israel shall be saved." Just as God heard the cry of His people in Egyptian bondage, so also He will hear the cry of Israel during the great tribu- lation. As He sent Moses to deliver them long ago, so He Himself will arise from "the marriage supper of the Lamb," and will come out of the Holy of Holies to de- liver His people in their hour of great afiliction. Then Israel will receive Him as her Great High Priest and King of kings! Then there will be no more "wars and rumours of wars." Thorns will no more infest the ground. The animal kingdom will live in peace and quietness. And "the desert shall blossom as the rose." Are you ready for the Lord's return, my friend? He has died for you; He will bear all your sins away, and re- member them no more forever, if you will only trust Him. He has opened the way into heaven, into His glorious Presence, by His own shed blood. But you must accept His great salvation. It is a free gift; but you must take it if you want access before "the throne of grace"-now and throughout the endless ages. Our Great High Priest

The Tabernacle that sacred day every year-from Moses to Christ. Then the Lord Jesus came to offer Himself, the whole Burnt-Offering, well pleasing unto the Father; the perfect Sin-Offering, as the sinner's Substitute. Having suffered "without the camp," outside the gate Jerusalem, He en- tered into heaven itself, "within the veil," there to present His shed blood, offered after the sweet incense of His sinless life had proved Him to be the Holy One of God. In His death and resurrection He became our Great High Priest. During this church age He is still "within the veil," but one day He will come forth to be acknowledged by all the world as "The mighty God . . . The Prince of Peace." Meanwhile, the veil of the temple has been "rent in twain." Our "Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous," bids us "draw near" unto His "throne of grace." It seems to us, in the light of the prophetic Scriptures, that we must be living in the evening of the great Day of Atonement, as it were. Soon, we believe and pray, our Great High Priest will come forth, wearing His robes of beauty and glory, to be honored by all His universe. The time for winning souls may be very short. Shall we not re-dedicate our lives to telling the lost of "such an high priest," who longs to be their saviour? When He comes as the "Judge of all the earth," the wicked will find that "the day of salvation" is past. "The night cometh, when no man can work." Let us, with renewed zeal, point never-dying souls to Him who has forever "put away sin by the sacri- fice of himself."

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