Talbot - Christ in the Tabernacle


CHAPTER PAGB I.-"An Earthly Sanctuary'' with a Heavenly Meaning--~9 11.-The High Priest and His Sons__________26 Christ-Our Great High Priest and His Believer-Priests IIT.-The Court and the Gate,_____________66 Christ-The Way to a Holy God IV.-"The Tent of the Congregation"________ g4 God's Dwelling Place "in the Midst" of His People V.-The Brazen Altar______________l19 A Shadow of the Cross VI.-The Offerings upon the Brazen Altar______13 3 Christ-Our Offering on Calvary's Cross VII.-The Laver of Brass____________l62 Christ-Our Cleanser VIII.-The Golden Candlestick__________ 1s 1 Christ, "The True Light," and His "Children of Light" IX.-The Table of Shewbrea...______________201 Christ-"The Bread of Life'' X.-The Golden Altar of Incens__________219 Christ-Our "Advocate with the Father" XI.-The Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Sea.._____233 Christ-01ir God at "The Throne of Grace'' XII.-The Day of Atonement___________271 Another Shadow of the Cross and of Christ's Return in Glory XIII.-The Shekinah Glory upon the Fmished Tabernacle___292 [ 71

To my faithful friend and beloved brother in the Lord, Mr. Daniel Rose, Director of the Jewish De- partment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, I dedicate this book as an expression of high esteem and Christian love.

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