Roadside PT: Helping Aches and Pains

Staff Spotlight DR. VAYSA ALIPIO isanexperiencedphysicaltherapist(PT)andacertifiedkinesio taping practitioner (CKTP) who serves the community of Elmhurst, New York. Additionally, she sees patients at Roadside Physical Therapy PC. Dr. Alipio has worked extensively in the fields of sports, orthopedics, and geriatrics. She has alsoworkedwithpatientswithdevelopmentaldisabilities.Herapproachtopatient care is highly individualized and holistic; it involves determining the root cause of thepatient’sproblem through thoroughevaluation. Inaddition,Dr.Alipioprovides high-quality patient care and educates her patients the right way. She is also committed to providing high-quality, evidence-based physical therapy s rvices to improveeachpatient’swell-beingandqualityoflifesoheorshemayliveapain-free life. She earned her doctorate of physical therapy from Dominican College. Prior toreceivingherdoctorate,sheobtainedherbachelor’sdegreefromtheUniversity ofPerpetualHelpSystem. Enfoque del Personal LA DRA. VAYSA ALIPIO es una experimentada fisioterapeuta (TP) y practicante certificadaenvendajeneuromuscular(VN)ysirvealacomunidaddeElmhurst,Nueva York.Además,ellaveapacientesenRoadsidePhysicalTherapyPC.LaDra.Alipioha trabajadoextensamenteenloscamposdedeportes,ortopediaygeriatría.También ha trabajadoconpacientescondiscapacidadesdedesarrollo.Suacercamientoal cuidadodelpacienteesaltamenteindividualizadoyholístico;implicadeterminarla causaraízdelproblemadelpacienteatravésdeunaevaluaciónexhaustiva.Además, la Dra. Alipio brinda atención al paciente de alta calidad y educa a sus pacientes de la manera correcta. También está comprometida a proporcionar servicios de fisioterapia de alta calidad basados en la evidencia para mejorar el bienestar y la calidaddevidadecadapaciente,demodoquepuedavivirunavidasindolor.Obtuvo sudoctoradoenfisioterapiaenelDominicanCollege.Antesderecibirsudoctorado, obtuvosu licenciaturaen laUniversidaddelSistemadeAyudaPerpetua.

I absolutely love this place! It’s a family owned business and they’re very attentive to clients needs. They have a great space which includes both physical therapy and personal training. I recently visited for physical therapy to get some help with my IT Band issues. Rashmi really helped me with my injury with acknowledging where my weaknesses were and giving exercises to strengthen and stretches to relieve tightness. Thanks to the Vert family and Rashmi I’m back to running again. I highly recommend this place. You will not be disappointed. - Nicole L

Patient Success Spotlight “Doctor Vaysa Alipio is an outstanding professional who is always on top of her game. She knowledgable and caring with all her patiences. I injured my ACL and was not able to compete for few months, and after my Therapy with roadside Physical Therapy for 12 weeks, I won my fight 2 months ago. Thanks roadsidePhysical therapy.Also,herstaffalwaysmakesureyouarecomfortable. Highly recommended.” - Jose Araujo Proyector del éxito del paciente “La doctora Vaysa Alipio es una excelente profesional que siempre está en la cima de su juego. Ella conocía y cuidaba con todas sus paciencia. Me lesioné mi ACL y no pude competir durante unos meses, y después de mi terapia con fisioterapia en carretera durante 12 semanas, gané mi pelea hace 2 meses. Gracias a la fisioterapia en el camino. Además, su personal siempre se asegura de que estés cómodo. Muy recomendable.” - Jose Araujo

Clinic News! Noticias de la clínica!

Exercise Essentials Helps Flexibility GLUTE STRETCH Sitwithgoodposturewithone footon top of the opposite knee as shown. Execute by gently pushing knee downward. To increase the stretch, lean slightly forward. You should feel a stretch in hip/glutearea.Hold for10secondsand repeat 3-5 times.

Ejercicios esenciales Ayuda a la flexibilidad

ESTIRAMIENTO DE GLUTE Siénteseconunabuenaposturaconunpieencima de la rodilla opuesta como se muestra. Ejecute empujandosuavemente la rodillahaciaabajo.Para aumentar el estiramiento, inclínese ligeramente hacia adelante. Debe sentir un estiramiento en el área de la cadera / glúteos. Mantenga durante 10 segundos y repita 3-5 veces.



4006 A Warren Street Elmhurst, NY 11373

Always consult yourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercises youareunsureofdoing. Siempre consultaa tu fisioterapeutaomédicoantesde comenzar losejerciciosquenoestás segurodehacer.

Just across the street from our old location!

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