Berry-Almond Smoothie Bowl
• ⅔ cup frozen raspberries • ½ cup frozen sliced banana •½cupplainunsweetenedalmondmilk • 5 tbsp sliced almonds, divided
• ¼ tsp ground cinnamon • ⅛ tsp ground cardamom
• ⅛ tsp vanilla extract • ¼ cup blueberries • 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes
I absolutely love this place! It’s a family owned business and they’re very attentive to clients needs. They have a great space which includes both physical therapy and personal training. I recently visited for physical therapy to get some help with my IT Band issues. Rashmi really helped me with my injury with acknowledging where my weaknesses were and giving exercises to strengthen and stretches to relieve tightness. Thanks to the Vert family and Rashmi I’m back to running again. I highly recommend this place. You will not be disappointed. - Nicole L Ingredientes
Instructions Blendraspberries,banana,almondmilk,3tablespoonsalmonds,cinnamon,cardamom andvanilla inablenderuntilverysmooth.Pour thesmoothie intoabowland topwith blueberries, t remaining 2 tablespoons almonds and coconut.
Patient Success Spotlight “I feel so good and so happy knowing that there’s a place that really cares for my well being.” “I was in so much neck and back pain, my doctor told me it is due to my arthritis affecting mostly of my joints. Thanks to Roadside Physical Therapy for helping me manage the pain through their personalized design PT program for me. I feel so good and so happy knowing that there’s a place that really cares for my well being! Thanks to all the friendly staff of Roadside Physical Therapy!”
Batido De Almendras Y Bayas
• ⅔ taza de frambuesas congeladas • ½ taza de plátano congelado en rodajas • ½ taza de leche de almendras sin azúcar simple • 5 cucharadas de almendras rebanadas, divididas
• ¼ cucharadita de canela molida • ⅛ cucharadita de cardamomo molido • ⅛ cucharadita de extracto de vainilla • ¼ taza de arándanos • 1 cucharada de hojuelas de coco sin azúcar
Opiniones de los pacientes
“Me siento tan bien y tan feliz al saber que hay un lugar Eso realmente se preocupa por mi bienestar.” “Tenía mucho dolor de cuello y espalda, mi médico me dijo que se debe a que mi artritis afecta principalmente a mis articulaciones. Gracias a Roadside Physical Therapy por ayudarme a controlar el dolor a través de su programa de diseño personalizado PT para mí. ¡Me siento tan bien y tan feliz al saber que hay un lugar que realmente se preocupa por mi bienestar! ¡Gracias a todo el amable personal de Roadside Physical Therapy!”
Instrucciones Mezcle las frambuesas,elplátano, la lechedealmendras,3cucharadasdealmendras, canela, cardamomo y vainilla en una licuadora hasta que quede muy suave. Vierta el batido en un tazón y cubra con arándanos, las 2 cucharadas de almendras y coco restantes.
Clinic News! Noticias de la clínica!
Exercise Essentials Stretches Back
Ejercicios esenciales Se estira hacia atrás ROTACIONES DE LA PARTE BAJA DEL TRONCO Acostadosobre tuespaldacon tusrodillas flexionadas,suavementemece tusrodillas de lado a lado. Realiza este movimiento 10-15 veces a cada lado.
LOWER TRUNK ROTATIONS Lying on your back with your knees bent, gently rock your knees side-to- side. Perform this 10-15 times in each direction.
Always consult yourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercises youareunsureofdoing. Siempre consultaa tu fisioterapeutaomédicoantesde comenzar losejerciciosquenoestás segurodehacer.
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