Media Analysis Youth Crime & Trafficking In Persons MIC UNDP


6.4. Recommendations Internal Actions

1. Based on the interviews with journalists to gain insight on their formal training on Trafficking in Persons, the gaps for knowledge and skills development was recorded as a list of relevant training topics. Capacity building via formal training on Trafficking in Persons with specific attention to topics such as: a. Investigative Reporting b. Data Journalism c. International and Regional Contexts d. Legislation e. Human Interest Storytelling f. Well-formulated interrogation of interviewees and other sources

g. Ethics in Reporting h. Use of Language i. Investigative Techniques j. The networking of experts and references k. Multimedia Reporting l. Story Angles and generation of high impact and attention

2. Present more stories about the solutions to TIPs and what is being done to minimize or prevent it.

3. Respondents in the interviews who are attached to newsrooms said that they have Codes of Ethics for Journalists but there is no formal editorial policy. The development of editorial policies with the inclusion of clauses in accordance with existing guidelines related to TIP for use by newsrooms can be helpful. This can be done as regional policy to cover other key areas including the coverage of youth in crime. Due to the lack of training and available capacity-building sessions in newsrooms and at tertiary level institutions in the region, the development of a multimedia handbook for reporting on TIP can ensure all aspects of the topic are covered. In addition, it will be a resource and helpful reference for entry level journalists in newsrooms. The handbook will include the topics mentioned in the first recommendation point. If this is done as an online resource, it will allow for updates and hyperlinks to updated information. There is a need for relevant and real information on TIP. Such primary sources who are intimately familiar with the circumstances surrounding the issue, allows for valuable insight and better articulated discussion. The establishment of a network of CSOs, NGOs, government, media and other stakeholders for easy access to information will close the information and feedback gaps which currently exist. Acquiring accurate and updated statistics and information from reliable government sources is a challenge. Government authorities need to maintain better databases of information which are available online. Media needs to advocate for this with support of entities such as UNDP. Accurate and updated information results in reliable and credible reporting based on evidence.

84 A Media Analysis of the Coverage of Youth Involvement in Crime and Violence and Trafficking in Persons (June 2021 to June 2023) in the Eastern Caribbean

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