On dedication day the committee presented me with a plaque. It said, To Harry Bollback in appreciation for his service in the United States Marines. A man of God. A few days later they asked me to start a Bible study for veterans. Our Bible study continued until I was 91, when my vision became so bad, and I could no longer continue. Several of the men made decisions for Christ, and some have already gone Home to be with the Lord. I thank the Lord that even at this stage of life, I can still be a good witness for the Lord. Millie and I pray we will be good finishers for the Lord as we wait for His glorious appearing. The Lord said in Acts 1:8, Ye shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me. That’s all we want to be... a witness for Jesus wherever we are. Whatever opportunity comes our way, we want to keep telling others about Jesus until we are finally Home with Him.
Listen to: God’s Been Good
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A Great Fight
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