NERC Themes Webinar Series NERC and the Regional Entities (the ERO Enterprise) are hosting a series of webinars in 2019 to share information about the cases presenting the greatest risks to reliability and security. The first webinar was conducted in lateApril, and described the principles that guide the comprehensive resolution of those cases and how those principles operated in practice in resolving violations of the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards. It covered the underlying causes of the CIP violations, as well as what was done to remediate the violations and foster sustainable compliance and security programs. Upcoming webinars in the series will be announced in the For Your Calendar section of the newsletter. Watch for it!
SERC Region Reliability Projected for Summer Season
The summer Seasonal Outlook webpage features SERC’s assessment of the bulk electric system for the upcoming summer season. Based on a review of the Region's demand and capacity, summer peak reserve margin projections have trended ~20% or above consistently for the last three years, which indicates there are sufficient resources to meet the load during the summer peaks. Anticipated Reserve Margins for the 2019 summer season range from 19% to 48%. However, entities continue to perform studies regularly to prepare for operational challenges that may occur in the upcoming season. SERC staff would like to thank the Reliability Review Subcommittee for its assistance in data collection for this project. Self-Report and RFI Processes In an effort to help registered entities navigate the Self-Report and RFI processes, the SERC EntityAssessment and Mitigation team has taken some of the more frequently violated Standards and Requirements and provided the RFI questions asked most often for each. The purpose of these documents is to give registered entities a better understanding of what information SERC is looking for in Self-Reports and RFIs. The goal of this effort is to reduce the time registered entities and SERC spend obtaining needed information, which will shorten the time it takes to process reported noncompliance. The documents are posted in the RFI Tips folder under Documents on the Entity Assessment and Mitigation webpage. This page may also be accessed from the Compliance channel box on the SERC homepage.
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