Ensuring Optimal Performance and Integrity of ML Models

Where and how model monitoring factors into responsible AI performance

EDA, Pre-processing and feature engineering and selection

Business understanding and hypothesis testing

Model development

Model evaluation

Model selection

Input data

RAI definition

Data privacy

Data bias

XAI & privacy

Model bias & privacy

Model management

Model accountability




Data privacy

XAI, Prediction bias

Bias, XAI & Drifts

Drift and model accuracy Drift refers to the phenomenon where the performance of an ML model degrades over time due to changes in the input data distribution. It occurs when the patterns or characteristics of the data used for training the model differ from those observed in the data the model encounters in the real world. The data distribution shift can compromise the model's accuracy and effectiveness, hindering its ability to make precise predictions on unfamiliar data.

There are four main categories of drift, each with its unique causes and challenges.

Concept drift This occurs when the statistical characteristics of the variable being predicted by the model undergo changes over time. Real-world scenarios, market trends, and customer behaviors are dynamic and can vary. When the patterns a model learns during training no longer apply, the model's accuracy can decrease.

Anomalies and outliers Identifying anomalies or outliers in data or model predictions can indicate problems such as pipeline bugs, data distribution shifts, or model issues. Detecting these anomalies is challenging, especially in complex data or when the model's standard behavior is unclear.

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