Edition 3

Customised digital support for learning platforms The learning platform supports the learner on their academic journey in between teaching and assessment. Learning management systems can utilise individual data to provide customised support. “An example is that the learner will be appropriately advised if they scroll too fast through online study material”, he explained. “Other examples include aggregate data that is analysed and provided to the module facilitator which then allows for group support. Or a provision for peer-to-peer discussion and social media variety”. Digital recognition Starting in September 2018, UJ now provides digital certificates for graduates. The same will be applicable for students as they complete their CI assessment, with a machine or otherwise, and the certificate will be provided electronically. In the future, a social media badge will also e presented. “The association of the badge, together with the individual’s experience, will most likely convert to some form of digital recommendation”, explained Sinha. “Just as we find user ratings for accommodation and other objects;

The tools are supported by databases with many different accents and thus catering for accents will further develop. “Our preliminary exploration with SpeechTexter® is already quite promising”, he said. The CI teaches Mandarin as an essential component of understanding Chinese culture. Traditional teaching can be combined with digital tools. When one uses digital translation tools, one is often contributing to their voice and voiceprint, and the database continues to build through the super-compu- ting cloud. The digital voiceprint In his article, Prof Sinha refers to a call he made to the credit card division of one of our major banks. The automated system indicated that a voiceprint will be taken for future security. “This is an interesting authentication concept and the third aspect relating to digital CI”, he wrote. “The aspect of voiceprint means that if the CI is conducting an oral language examination, with a machine as an evaluator, the device will be able to authenticate the user. The user would then access the assessment, and afterwards, receive opportunities to improve or providing the grading or certificate”.

LinkedIn already provides for this”. For documents, we already have something called a digital object identifier (DOI). Sinha ponders the questions: “Are we moving towards a global digital ID? Such an ID would relate to various parameters like skills, individual health, energy consumption, emotional intelligence, technology versatility, agility, and more”. Virtual access to the digital institute The visual ability to virtually walk in another laboratory or a country is of much interest. “The idea here is not necessarily to replace real- life views or visits but to augment the realities in a way that learning experience can be enhanced”, argued Prof Sinha. “The various provisions of a digital institute also have a favourable implication for inclusivity. More users can be accommodated in different ways. For differently abled persons, there is an added accessibility level. Progression of humanity Prof Sinha concluded that in all of this − text, voice, visual, virtual and otherwise − intelligent algorithms harvest data. The data sets build, and ultimately the infused

utilisation of this, for good or bad, will eventually dictate humanity’s progress.

MAN VS MACHINE: The ontology of machine rationality Prof Thaddeus Metz

process automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Are machines more rational than humans? The University of Johannesburg’s

Philosophy, and Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Tshilidzi Marwala, unpacked this and some other questions during a dialogue entitled ‘The ontology of machine rationality’ at the

The discussion of Man vs Machine will be endless even though the advantages of automation and other technologies are understood. Cost benefits, time efficiency and consistency are major driving factors for organisations to focus on technologies like robotic

Johannesburg Institute of Advanced Study (JIAS).

(UJ) Prof Thaddeus Metz, Distinguished Professor in



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