always been active outside of work, as well. He was a Charter Member of the Beaufort-Jasper-Hilton Head (SC) Alumni Chapter. He was also a member of Sigma Pi Phi where he rose to the rank of Sire Archon in the Northern Virginia member boulé and was a found- ing member of the Hilton Head Island member boulé. Dorothea and Perry were very active in the Hilton Head community as well. They were members of the Couples Club, docents for the annual Gullah Celebration, and supporters of the Mitchellville Preservation project. He worked during several elections and actively supported and campaigned for several candidates. Perry also participat- ed in several other clubs such as Bridge, Kansan and Dinner Clubs. He played golf with his friends every chance he got and was often called upon to cook his famous ribs for social gatherings. Perry passed away peacefully on Janu- ary 26, 2021. He is survived by his wife, Dorothea, his brother, Clarence, his son, Craig, daughter-in-law, Austria, three grandchildren Zoraya, Brianna, and Kyla, one great granddaughter, Sai, and many nieces and nephews. Kenneth Hunter 1946-2021 U.S. Department of State Deputy As- sistant Secretary of Passports
Perry Hooks 1929-2020 Executive Director, Civic Leader
loyalty, and devotion to family, friends, and fraternity brothers. The youngest of the seven children of Andre and Marie- Antoinette Gaspard of Petit-Goave, Haiti, he was born on February 5, 1971, in Nyack, NY, where he graduated from Nyack High School. Gaspard was an accomplished and respected professional with a host of credentials and accolades to his name. He served as Vice President of Infor- mation Technology Service Delivery at Peraton Corporation, a position he earned following hard work, persever- ance, and dedication for over 25 years as an information technology executive with Orkand Corporation and Harris Government Solutions. Andy earned countless honors and awards for his work, including the 2020 Oktane Award as a Change Maker, an honor bestowed by industry leaders. While holding those high-stakes positions, Gaspard simultaneously completed his Howard University education and earned his MBA degree. Gaspard was also a pillar in the commu- nity and a proud and valued member in good standing with Kappa Alpha Psi Fra- ternity, Incorporated. He was initiated into the fraternity in 2011 with his line brothers. His line was fondly named the “Kharismatic Centurions of the Epoch.” “BIG,” as he was affectionately known by his fraternity brothers, served on several committees and used his talents and expertise to develop the chapter’s website. Brother Andy J. Gaspard is survived by his wife, Katina Gaspard, his children Devona, Asannee, Jasmine, and Jus- tin, as well as many loving siblings and extended family. Submitted by Jeffrey K. Brown
Perry Hooks Sr. (Rho 1953) was
born on August 24, 1929 in the small town of Coffee- ville, Kansas. His parents, Jessie and Pearl Hooks had four girls and four
boys, of which Perry was the fifth. He lived in Coffeeville through high school. He then went to trade school and trained as an auto mechanic in Topeka, Kansas. He joined the Army for 2 years and was stationed in White Sands, NM in the Missile Testing Division. He was recognized as an outstanding athlete where he played football, basketball, and baseball. He left NM to pursue his collegiate career on a football scholarship play- ing football at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas where he graduated with a BS degree in Education. Perry married Mary Maxine Washing- ton in Topeka and had 2 sons, Perry Jr. and Craig. Brother Hooks worked as a social worker and eventually became a Field Representative for the Kansas Commission on Civil Rights. He left Topeka and moved his family to Des Moines, Iowa where he was the Execu- tive Director of the Commission on Human Rights. Perry Sr. moved back to the Kansas City area where he was the Assistant Regional Administrator for Fair Housing and Equal Rights. He eventu- ally moved to Washington, DC to be- come the Director at HUD for Contract Compliance, and later the Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity at the National Science Foundation where he ultimately retired from the Federal gov- ernment after a long and distinguished career. He was predeceased by his first wife, Mary and their beloved son, Perry W. Hooks, Jr. Several years after his first wife passed, Perry met and married Dorothea Perkins. In addition to his career, Brother had
Kenneth Hunter (Xi 1966) was born in Chicago, Illinois on May 6, 1946 to Rose and Theodis Hunter. Years later
he would be educated in the Catholic Schools of the Chicago Archdiocese from elementary through junior high school. Upon entering high school, he then attended Tilden Technical High School. It was there he met his lifelong friend and Brother, Robert Engram. From about 1960, they would begin a journey together that would last over 50 years! This connection included both
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