Spotlight_Vol 24_Issue_1

of children, and how can I continuously monitor and update them to maintain a high standard of care? “Family childcare is unique in many ways, particularly in the area of safety and health. Because your house is used as a childcare environment, you need to be aware of hazards that you will not encounter in other types of childcare centers, such as unlocked basement doors, yard tools, dogs, and medicine cabinets. Your first responsibility as a family childcare provider is to keep children safe and healthy while in your care. This in itself is a big responsibility, and how you do this will determine the developmental growth of a child. As the number of family childcare providers continues to grow rapidly across the country, states are responding by instituting tighter regulations and providing more detailed guidance. Childcare Education Institute’s online beginner-level course ADM102: Family Child Care Basics will help ensure family care providers understand not only their responsibilities for providing a safe, healthy environment but also the important role they play in helping children reach their full potential.”

CCEI Team | ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI)

How can home daycare providers utilize therapeutic and educational resources to enhance the sensory experiences and cognitive development of children in their care? “Home daycare providers can greatly enhance sensory experiences and cognitive development for children in their care by incorporating therapeutic and educational resources from Therapro, among others. Here are several strategies and Therapro resources that can be used: Sensory-Focused Environments: Create sensory- rich environments within your home daycare. Utilize sensory tools, such as fidget toys, or sensory integration equipment like therapy balls. These resources can stimulate children’s tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular senses, promoting sensory exploration and integration.


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