Spotlight_Vol 24_Issue_1

“the biggest lesson learned is to just enjoy the moments, both the wins and the losses as part of the process of playing at this level. And taking the losses as moments and times where you can learn about yourself, about your game. I mean, the wins wouldn’t feel so good without those losses, and you must learn that.“

Curling has so much TV time now and it’s nice to be able to give that airtime to our sponsors and, honestly, we wouldn’t be able to do the travel and be able to be away from home and away from our jobs to compete without them. We’re lucky that we have such great partnerships and that we can stay in communication with them throughout the year. A big thank you to Egg Farmers of Ontario, AMJ Campbell, BOOST, Holo Taco and Goldline. We couldn’t do what we do without them. SoB: That’s wonderful. And, you know, let’s say a business is reading this article right now and they’d like to become a sponsor. How could they get in touch and get involved with Team Homan? RH: We have a team Instagram where all our contact information can be found – it’s @team_homan. And then, our website has our contact information (jess@, and we have an amazing agent who helps pull all the numbers and packages together so that it’s easy to see what that looks like and what the availability is and, and kind of how you get started there if you want to become a sponsor. And, on that note, our agent is another part of our family; she’s our sixth man. I guess right now, we’ve got Rachelle Brown as our fifth man for Nationals. But our agent is just an amazing part of the team and kind of acts as that sixth man who gets so much done. There’s so much to do on our team, and at the end of the day, we must run it like a business because there’s so much involved in playing at the top level. She does an amazing job and helps on the sponsor sponsorship side. SoB: You’ve had a long curling career now, almost 30 years of throwing rocks down the sheet. What would you say is the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your professional career so far? RH: I would say the biggest lesson learned is to just enjoy the moments, both the wins and the losses as part of the process of playing at this level. And taking the losses as moments and times where you can learn about yourself, about your game. I mean, the wins wouldn’t feel so good without those losses, and you must learn that. And, just looking at your performance with a different lens has been probably my biggest lesson. Along the way, when you’re young, it just feels like it’s all about the wins, and you’ve got all the time in the world. But as you get older, you know, you don’t know how many more chances or how many more times you’re going to be able to play at this level and stage. So, every time we step on the ice, and get to play in front of an energetic, electric crowd, it is something that I never

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