HandsOn: Live Life Without Back Pain


Trigger point therapy often referred to as myofascial release or pressure point massage, involves the application of gentle yet firm pressure to specific areas along the body, known as pressure or trigger points. This pressure is provided by the hands of a skilled physical therapist trained in pressure point release. The manual pressure provided by a therapist during trigger point therapy is intended to relax and normalize trigger points within the fascia, a widespread, sheath-like, fibrous tissue encasing your musculoskeletal structures. Ourphysicaltherapyteamhasfoundthetriggerpointtherapy to be effective for numerous conditions, including: Sciatica Carpal tunnel syndrome Osteoarthritis If you or a loved one is experiencing pain, contact our offices today to learn more about the benefits of trigger point therapy. Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain. BRIDGING While lying on your back, raise your buttocks off the floor/bed. Stretches Back Neck pain Back pain

Therearea lotofdifferent reasons thatbackpaincandevelop.Evenwhen youbreakdown injuries,whetherfromoveruseorathleticpursuits,thereare differentproblems thatcandevelop.Sprainsandstrainsarecommon,but so are issues with the vertebrae, blood flow, and even concerns regarding the spinal nerves. You might be amazed to discover the different factors that could be influencing your back health. Such as: •Yourpersonal levelofphysicalactivity, includinghowoftenyouexercise and the intensity of your typical workouts. •The types of shoes that you wear, in addition to how frequently you walk in different types of shoes, particularly shoes that lack support or those with high heels. •Prolongedengagement insedentarybehavior, includingsittingatadesk for eight hours or more consecutive days of the week, or spending free time on the couch or otherwise relaxed. Aerobic activity and strength training exercises actually make it possible to reduce your risk of injury and to improve your ability to overcome back painbystrengthening thevertebraeand improvingbloodflowandnutrient disbursement throughout the back. When you are inactive, blood flow can actually become impeded, and this can have a negative effect on the overall health of your back and spine. How Physical Therapy Helps. Anyone who has struggled with back pain can tell you plain and simple: When your back is hurting, there is no way topretend that it isn’t.Simplygoing fromsedentaryactivity tobeingactive andhealthy isn’tanoption—at leastnotsoeasily. It takes timeandeffort, andwhenbackpain isobstructingyoufromgettingstarted, itrequireshelp. Physical therapy can help you overcome back pain by giving you the knowledge and support necessary to help your back feel better, giving you the option to get off the couch and push yourself to reach new goals. Working with a licensed and experienced physical therapist ensures that you do not take on too much too quickly, but instead are guided through the process of healing with gradual steps. For more information about overcoming back pain, contact us. UNDERSTANDING THE WHY & HOW

Exercisescopyrightof Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing.


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