StoryLine Issue No. 2 Fall 2020


I wondered if there was a law responsible for their unwillingness to reduce this ongoing food waste. As it turns out, the Federal Government does not stipulate in what circumstances that food is allowed to be donated. Consequently, very few states have laws regulating the donation of food (Food Safety Legislation 2018). An article states , “ California ’ s SB 557 allows for unused food

it and are trying to enact steep budget cuts . Representatives

fear that Americans are taking advantage of the SNAP

program , and are idle and lazy , not willing to strive for

financial independence . ( Nestle , " The Supplemental

Nutrition Program …"). It states in the article , " Children ’ s

Rights and the Politics of Food : Big Food Versus Little

People ," “ President Trump ’ s budget not only called for $ 193

billion in cuts to SNAP over the next ten years , it also would

terminate SNAP ’ s status as a national program … It would also

cut WIC funding for pregnant and nursing mothers and their

children by $ 188 million and totally defund the Farmers

Market Nutrition Program " ( Woodhouse ). These cuts will hurt

millions of families across America . Americans should be

or food returned by a consumer at schools to be donated to

educated about these matters , especially if it affects them

a food bank or other nonprofit charity ” (" Food Safety

directly . They should vote for the politicians who will

Legislation 2018 "). It ’ s unfortunate that most California

advocate and protect the struggling families and write

schools have not implemented any sort of program to

letters to representatives and to Congress . Unfortunately ,

reduce the amount of waste that occurs .

without effective programs and policies in place , many will

Fortunately , there is one individual who is making a

continue to go hungry and will suffer the health

difference in Alameda County . Nancy Deming , the

consequences of malnutrition — or even die .

sustainability manager for custodial and nutritional services

Another large contributing factor to food insecurity

for the Oakland School District , has transformed the schools

is that , even though the U . S . produces more than enough

in the district . She has devised a program to throw produce

food to feed everyone in America , food goes to waste . It is

that has been partially eaten into a compost bin , to put non -

said that , “ the United States wastes up to 40 percent of

eaten food in the share bin — separating into cold foods , hot

its food supply . This disconnect results in approximately 125

foods , and produce — and giving the rest of the food to a local

to 160 billion pounds of wasted food every year ” (" Food

hunger - relief organization . Deming has successfully

Waste …"). Can you imagine how many lives could be saved if

implemented this program and is responsible for reducing

all that wasted food was made available to the hungry ? As

the amount of food that would have typically been wasted .

mentioned earlier , from my own personal experience

The USDA now endorses this program ( Bloom ). The need for

working at an elementary school , food is wasted on a daily

individuals to get involved and advocate for similar

basis . According to an article in The Daily , “ The USDA ’ s

programs throughout the United States is crucial in

National School Lunch Program serves 30 million kids

reducing food insecurity . Awareness and action will help

every school day … but the program also wastes about $ 5

provide food that would have normally been wasted to

million worth of edible food every school day ” ( Bloom ). It ’ s

hungry families . In addition , establishments such as markets

horrifying to watch . I see fresh produce , hot lunches , and

and grocery stores should not be allowed to throw away

unopened milk tossed into the trash can on a daily

food that has not gone bad but may not appear aesthetically

basis . As I confronted the Principal , she informed me that no

pleasing , making it difficult to sell . Instead of discarding the

one is allowed to remove the food from the premises , even if

produce , establishments should donate to food banks or be

it is to be donated to needy families .

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