StoryLine Issue No. 2 Fall 2020


given to sell at a lower price at the local farmers market . It ’ s

the problem is finding sufficient ways for people to access

these products . In addition , there has been minimal research

the responsibility of everyone who witnesses these wasteful

practices to help in putting a stop to it . If more people were

done on biofortified foods and the long - term effects are

made aware of these ongoing issues , the chances of help

unknown . There are benefits to this method , but it ’ s proven

and support would increase , and important changes would

that there are also risks . Using biofortified foods in the

be made .

United States should not be the main solution for food

insecurity .

The answer to food insecurity and eradicating hunger

and malnutrition is not an easy one and many people look

The problem of food insecurity is one that will not be

away from the issue , feeling they cannot make an impact .

solved immediately . It has been an ongoing concern for

Nevertheless , the problem needs to be addressed by the

many years – not only nationally , but also internationally .

whole of America , the wealthy and the poor . People can get

People are suffering from hunger and malnutrition around

involved in their communities to help . Organizations within

the globe and are in need of help . No one should have to

communities — for - profit or non - profit — can help to organize

suffer from lack of basic needs such as food . According to

food drives , food banks , and soup kitchens ; offer

the article , " Hunger in America : A Matter of Policy ," “ An ideal

educational programs on nutrition ; and create gardens

diet provides sufficient energy and essential nutrients to

within their communities . Individuals can develop new

meet physiological requirements , maximize growth and

skills , become involved socially , and work together with

longevity , and prevent nutrient deficiencies as well as

conditions of nutritional excess and imbalance ; it should

others within their communities to improve their lives and

their food security . In addition , cash donations — especially

also be obtained from foods that are available , affordable ,

from wealthier individuals or organizations — are helpful in

and palatable ” ( Nestle ). Food is a right that everyone should

have . The continuation of effective government programs ,

running these facilities and can help to pay for the utilities

and tools needed . Americans are responsible for becoming

the implementation of new ones , and organizations

educated in these matters ; the more aware they are

proactively reaching out to communities and helping to

educate and get citizens involved , will help to eliminate

of the ongoing hunger problems within their own

communities , the more willing they will be to contribute in

hunger and malnutrition caused by food insecurity and will

a positive way .

help to make America thrive . The food insecurity problem in

One solution that is being considered and researched is

the United States is not only the responsibility of the

called Biofortified crops . These crops are the hope of some

government , but also of the people .

to combat this problem of hunger , or what ’ s known as

" hidden hunger ." This is when people eat enough food to

Works Cited page 61 - 62

survive , filling up on food with little to no micronutrients ,

and incur health problems or malnutrition as a result .

Scientists genetically modify these crops by adding more

essential vitamins and minerals to them , thereby giving

people a better chance of staying healthy ( Kesavan and

Swaminathan ). This is a good solution for developing

countries , as the majority of crops they grow are rice , wheat ,

and others that are low in nutrients . Here in the United

States , healthy foods are more readily available . However ,

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