We have made the Coastl ine Food Pantry check-in process easier! Please fi l l out the Coastl ine Cares Pantry RSVP Form before your next visit. We wi l l save the information for future visits. When you arrive to pick up your food, just show us a copy of your RSVP form and be on your way. REMEMBER: THE COASTLINE PANTRY HAS MOVED! 2 New Locations Mondays: 11am - 1pm Coastl ine’s Garden Grove Campus 12901 Eucl id Street Garden Grove, CA 92840 Fridays: 11am – 1pm Coastl ine’s Newport Beach Campus 1515 Monrovia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 ORDER AND PICKUP INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this Coastl ine Cares Pantry RSVP Form. Arrive on Mondays at Garden Grove or Fridays at Newport Beach between 11am and 1pm. Have your Pantry RSVP form handy and pop your trunk.We wi l l del iver food to your trunk, fol lowing 6 feet social distancing guidel ines. Looking forward to seeing you!
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