much lower chance of infecting crops . Winds and birds that carry unwanted seeds , weeds ,
and cross - contamination from surrounding lands would also be eliminated . Vertical
farming is the key to organic farming ; organic farming is the key to eliminating carbon
emissions ; eliminating carbon emissions is key to reducing the greenhouse effect , and
reducing the greenhouse effect is key to preserving our planet .
Besides minimizing the greenhouse gases produced from agriculture , we also need to
preserve the ways by which the earth naturally sponges up these gases . Heat - trapping
greenhouse gases created by human activities are absorbed through our planet ’ s carbon
sinks . Carbon sinks are natural reservoirs that absorb and store carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere . Forests are a big carbon sink for the earth and are therefore essential for
regulating earth ’ s climate and keeping earth ’ s natural cycles balanced . But conventional
agriculture is destroying our forests . For example , Earth ’ s biggest rainforest , the Amazon , is
a “ critical reservoir and sponge for CO2 ” ( Revkin ). But since the 1960 ’ s , the Amazon has
been reduced by 17 % from clear cutting and burning ( Nunez ). Rose Marcano , CEO of
Patagonia , and David Bronner , CEO of Dr . Bronner ’ s , point out in their report for CNN that
S Y D N E Y H O , " A C R Y L I C P A I N T I N G # 5 "
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