cost , vertical farming would generate a much higher net profit for farmers compared to
conventional farming because the operating costs are much lower . Unlike conventional
farming , farmers would not continuously have to pay expensive energy costs from fossil
fuels because of the free supply of solar energy . Furthermore , farmers would not have to
pay the high cost of heavy water usage as in conventional farming because the water used
in vertical farms is constantly recycled , and none is wasted to runoff . Also , with increased
crop yields , farmers can expect an increased income . For example , with seven levels of
plants and triple the average light exposure , crop production could be increased 21 times
compared to field farming of the same acreage . Even the cost of transporting produce
would be eliminated . Because vertical farms would be built in or in close proximity to
cities , farmers would no longer need to transport their produce over thousands of miles in
refrigerated trucks . This is possible since vertical farms are not dependent on the
environment and can be built in any region and climate . In vertical farms , farmers
have control over the temperature , humidity , nutrients , and even light wavelength , so they
can produce crops all year long with optimal crop quality . Hence , regardless the season ,
the veggies and fruits produced from vertical farming will always be fresh and local ,
ensuring a steady income stream for farmers in the long run .
Conventional agriculture needs a major reformation . Every bite of food we eat carries
implications on our environment . The fossil fuels burned for power , the heavy water usage
and contamination , the pollution of our atmosphere , and the continuous land destruction
— all done to serve our ever - growing population — have made agriculture costly and
detrimental to the future of the earth . At what cost will we continue to eat fresh produce ?
Vertical farming is the solution . It is environmentally sustainable . It is even able to provide
for a populous planet for generations to come . We are the ones in charge of the earth at
this present time in history . Therefore , it is our obligation to be responsible stewards of the
planet entrusted to our care .
For works cited , please see page 63
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