King's Business - 1934-05

May, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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JUNE 24 Reaching the Fountain “They return, but not to the Most High” (Hosea 7 :16). The saying has become classical in the north of Scotland, “Surely I have laid my pipe far short of the fountain.” And so we have. No words could describe our case better than the text. For we also are always returning; but not to the Most High. . . . We are always engaged in the exercises of public and private religion. We do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. At the time appointed, we par­ take of the Lord’s Supper; and again we make our vow and pay it. And when at any time we fall into besetting sin, we hasten to repent and reform our lives. But, with all that, this so heart-searching, this so soul-exacting text discovers us and con­ demns us. We return to all that; but we do not return to the Most High. We lay our pipe up to divine ordinances—to the most spiritual of divine ordinances—up to prayer, and to praise, and to meditation. But all these things, taken together, are not the Fountain. And when we return to God, when we lay our pipe up to the true Fountain of living waters, then we taste an immediateness of communion, and an in­ wardness of consolation, and a strength of assurance, and a solidity of peace, and a fullness of joy that are known only to those who truly return to the Most High. — A lexander W h y te . JUNE 25 T h e Clog of Care “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). Treat cares as you treat sins. Hand them over to Jesus one by one as they occur. Commit them to Him. Roll them upon Him. Make them His. By an act of faith look to Him, saying, “This, Lord, and this, and this I cannot bear. Thou hast taken my sins; take my cares; I lay them upon Thee, and trust Thee to do all for me, and more than all I need. I will trust and not be afraid.” . . . What a clog to all activity care is 1 How earnestly, therefore, should we seek at the beginning of every day to free ourselves from its hindering presence. Be watchful not to allow care to hinder thee in serving Christ today.— F . B. M eyer . JUNE 26 Christ’s “Not I, but Christ” (Gal. 2:20). I have been crucified with Christ, but it is not my crucifixion that effects my salva­ tion; it is His crucifixion. I wonder if we have any conception of what crucifixion is. Dr. Cairns truly declares that “the cross is the sum of human infamies. It originated in the slums of the human heart, for it is the expression of cruelty and a contempt for human nature.” That is the dreadful thing that shames self forever, and though I have been crucified with Christ, my sin is put away by His crucifixion, not by mine. “Not I, but Christ.”—W. Y. F ullerton . JUNE 27 T h e Judge and the Umpire “We must all appear before the judg­ ment seat o f Christ” (2 Cor. 5:10). Sometimes people have said: “Shall we all stand before the judgment seat of Christ? I thought that he that believeth in Him is passed from death unto life and shall not come to the judgment.” Quite true, but there are two kinds of judgment. There is the judgment at which the judge sits on the judgment seat to decide the guilt and condemnation, or the acquittal, of the

our dependence, and were better acquainted with the Father upon whom it is our un­ speakable privilege to lean. . . . The very weakness, dependence, ignorance, folly, helplessness, and incapacity of the child is its claim, warrant, and security in the heart of the Father. Think of this. It is so in earthly homes. If a child is sick, or weak, or weary, or troubled, how all the sympathy of the family goes out to that particular child; and it is so in the heavenly home and with the heavenly Father. He is touched with the feeling of our infirmi­ ties, and he that touches one of His feeblest children touches the apple of His eye. — M arcus R ainsfo rd . It is not simply great matters we are to bring before God, not simply small things, but “every thing.” Therefore, let us bring all our affairs, temporal or spiritual, before God. For life is made up of little things. If we attempt to stand in our own strength under little trials, we shall fall, which is dishonoring to God. We have not a particle of strength to carry any burdens, little or great; and, therefore, we must bring them all to God.. .. Now this is what we have to do—not simply to mention our request be­ fore God, but to go on asking, again and again, with earnest prayer and supplica­ tion, until we receive.— G eorge M uller . JUNE 22 T he Joyous Heart "Rejoice in the Lord always” (Phil. 4:4). Joy in itself—natural joy—is a strength­ ening thing. The proverb says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” ; and it is true in the common things of everyday life, that we have ten times the power, and accomplish all we have to do much better, when our hearts are happy, than when weighed down by some anxiety, or sorrow, or care. It is more so in spiritual things; “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Because, spiritually, there is no strength apart from the Lord, it is conscious happy communion with Him that invigorates the soul. You have no strength to go forward in the race unless your hearts are made strong by the joy of the Lord. — M rs . W . P en n e fa t h e r . JUNE 23 Exceeding Magnificent ■ “The house that is to be builded for Jehovah must be exceeding magnificent” (1 Chron. 22:5, R.V.). This burning clause appeals to all who are blessed with a saving knowledge of God in Christ Jesus. How thrilling and sacred is the application of this appeal to us, whose entire being has become a tem­ ple of God the Holy Ghost I Surely, one so indwelt, and therefore so empowered, should henceforth adopt our text as his life motto—that his whole being must, and shall—by grace—“be exceeding magnifi­ cent.” How holy must the temple be, Where Jesus reigns within 1 His precious blood, outpoured for me, I trust to make me clean. And now, to me the gladdest thing Be His sweet will alone, Content,, since I am with the King, To make His choice my own. JUNE 21 Everything “In every thing by prayer and supplica­ tion with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Phil. 4:6).

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— S elected .

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