King's Business - 1934-05

BibleStudents Try This Simple Bible Test Yourself—Now! Can you name in order, each of the great Biblical D ispensations ? Can you give God’s eight covenants with man, and refer to the texts describing them ? Can you find in the Bible all the types and prophecies, foretelling the First Com­ ing of our Lord? Can you find all the types and^ prophecies foretelling H is Second Com ing? W e suggest that you make a list of your immediate answers to these impor­ —or most of them, then we consider it proved that you need J A M I S O N ’ S CHRONOLOGICAL PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. Let us try to visualize this wonderful Bible Chart for you: In the upper left hand corner, the heavens, in deep blue and gold, are depicted declaring “the glory of God” as at crea­ tion’s dawn. Below shines the aureate city —the church of Christ—“chosen before the foundation of the world.” Lurking near by, Satan, “the anointed cherub,” “full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty” gazes down upon a reconstructed world. In long parallel bands of subdued tints and colors, stretching across the chart, the great facts of Scripture are one by one taught in their proper relations. Confirm­ atory texts plainly printed corroborate every statement. “The Mystery of His Body the Church” stands next the crimsoned cross in the right center of the diagram. The Millen­ nial Kingdom, rising from the midst of a renewed Palestine, is shown at the right, while below detailed studies of the History of Israel, the Times of the Gentiles, the Seventy Weeks of Daniel, etc., are dis­ played. Every Bible student needs this chart. Every Bible teacher should be supplied with it. For, with such a chart, a Bible, and perhaps a few easily procured reference works, you will have provided an ideal classroom, in which more can be imparted to the young and active minds of children than by hours of reading or teaching with­ out visualisation. You Can Get a Jamison Chart Free! Just fill in the attached coupon and send it to us with your subscription to T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , enclosing our regular an­ nual subscription price of $1.50, and we will send you the Jamison Chart printed on heavy linen map cloth 17 inches by 34 in­ ches, securely packed, postpaid. .If you have already subscribed for the coming year, send the additional subscrip­ tion to some friend, or direct us to add the additional 12 months to your own term—for subscription and chart will be mailed to separate addresses if desired. But don’t delay—act today. THE KING’S BU SIN E SS 558 South Hope Street,'Los Angeles, Calif. You may send by mail prepaid, J amison ' s N ew C hronological P anorama of the B ible as ad* vertised, with T he K ing ’ s B usiness for one year, beginning with the..........................issue, for which I am enclosing $1.50. Name------— ...............................................................— - Street or R.F.D --------------------------------------- .—— Post Office and State-------------------------------------------


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