Life Science Educator Resources
School Year Educators Programs
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Middle School GPS provides Alabama public middle school science educators an opportunity to engage with activities that emphasize the genetics compo- nents of the Alabama 7th Grade Life Science Course of Study. Attendance at these sessions is at no cost to the educator or school system. These regional professional learning sessions provide updated content knowledge and resources to support Alabama middle school life science educators. To learn more about GPS, visit
Scan the QR code to learn more about GREAT opportunities for you.
Genetic Resources to Empower Alabama Teachers — GREAT workshops update high school teachers’ genetics knowledge by highlighting recent scientific findings. Teachers will be introduced to applications based on these discoveries a full day of small group concurrent sessions and talks by HudsonAlpha educators. Substitute reimbursement and classroom materials are provided. Learn more at .
The HudsonAlpha Educator Resource Hub is your one-stop shop for supporting materials, some developed by Hudson- Alpha and some created by partner educators. Scroll through the categories to find free lesson plans, activities, digital tools and classroom content tips. Resources are curated by content, type of resource and developer. Designed to enhance your life science instruction at multiple grade levels, these resources are freely available and updated often. Educator Resource Hub
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