April 2021

32 What We’ re Loving A dr ive-up butcher shop, new international eats,

CULTURE 14 On the Job Juan Troncoso keeps up conser vation in two Nor th County land preser ves 15 Neighborhood Guide Where to eat , dr ink, and explore in Mi ra Mesa 1 6 70 & Sunny Two San Diegans, decades apar t , talk must-haves and how Interest A closeup of ar ti facts from one of San Diego’s most legendary f igures 18 Tribute Ron Donoho pays homage they unwind 1 7 Object of Amy Dixon won’ t let anything get between her and the f inish l ine FOOD + DR I NK 24 Wine Al l you need to know about the natural wine trend taking over the industry 25 Farm Tours Where to pick your own strawberr ies, f ind the freshest eggs, and even visit a camel dai ry 26 Restaurant Diaries How San Diego restaurants have helped new Amer icans settle in and feel at home to former SDM editor- in-chief Tom Blai r 20 Sports Paratr iathlete

and a big new “ghost kitchen”

STYLE 40 Tastemaker Local meteorologist Kar lene Chavis’s top picks to get her “Mother Ear th– chic” style 41 DIY Guide How to make your own natural cleaners, just in time for spring cleaning! 42 Shop SD Raum handmade shoes ground your body to the earth— l iteral ly 43 Plant Life Tips and tricks to keep your Chinese money plant thriving 44 Home The McNerneys bui lt a sustainable new home just steps

I N EVERY I SSUE 10 From the Editor 80 Crossword SPEC I AL SECT I ONS 34 The Canna-Biz 51 Top Dentists

away from the smal l bungalow they l ived in for 20 years

on the cover

on the cover

Kar l ene Chavi s , chi ef meteorolog i st at CBS 8, over looks Mi ss ion Tra i l s Reg iona l Park f rom the South For tuna Mounta in Tra i l . Photographed by Rob Hammer.

Livi Gos l ing i l lust rated thi s cool cover for our subscr ibers , highl ight ing our featured hiking and biking t ra i l s , a long wi th a few of our other favor i te pl aces around town.

SAN DIEGO MAGAZINE (ISSN 0734-6727), April 2021, Vol. 73, No. 4. SAN DIEGO magazine is published 12 times a year (monthly) by San Diego Magazine LLC, 707 Broadway, Suite 1100, San Diego, CA 92101. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, $18; two years, $28; three years, $40. Subscriptions outside CA are $3 additional per year; outside the U.S., $80 additional per year. Back issues are $10 per issue and can be purchased at sandiegomagazine.com, if available. For change of address or customer service, write SAN DIEGO magazine SUBSCRIPTION DEPT., PO Box 460266 Escondido, CA 92046-9800 or email sandiegomagazine@pcspublink.com. Periodical postage paid at San Diego, CA, and additional mailing o›ices. San Diego magazine is a registered trademark of San Diego Magazine LLC. Copyright © 2021 by San Diego Magazine LLC. All rights reserved. Repro- duction without permission is strictly prohibited. POSTMASTER: PLEASE SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO SAN DIEGO MAGAZINE, PO Box 460266 Escondido, CA 92046-9800


APR I L 2021

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