Tasmanian Hospitality Review - February / March 2023

Membership & Corporate Update

The new year has only just begun, however there feels like there is a lot of positivity among our members as we launch into 2023. Our membership packs have now been sent out, this year they contain your membership sticker, certificate, and event calendar, keep an eye out for yours and make sure you display your sticker with pride. The event calendar has key dates with what we have planned in 2023, with the return of some of our great annual events as well as some new editions. Make sure you save these dates, there will be some great opportunities to network with colleagues and industry partners. We have already started working with our corporate partners to help reduce costs to your business and will shortly share a link to our online corporate partner booklet. These offers include great savings on premium wines, house spirits, as well as great ways to promote your business and they are exclusive to THA members. The membership team will be out engaging

with venues more than ever this year to make sure you are accessing all the offers suitable to your venue and working through your costs to help unlock other opportunities. If you want to access these offers at any stage, you can contact the THA team on 03 6220 7300. In 2023 we’ll also be launching our new website, dedicated member pages housing important documents and bringing our members services into the technology age. This website will allow us to highlight our members around Tasmania. The team will be in contact with you to make sure we have the right details listed for your venue. We hope these changes make dealing with the THA seamless and assist to add value to your membership and the industry. We would like to welcome the following new members to the association. Like all our members, these venues support the industry that supports them, and we would encourage all of industry to do the same and visit them when you can.

Bridport Bay Inn

Hope and Anchor Tavern

LIQ Distributors

Lake Leake Tavern

Port Esperance Sailing Club

Pumphouse Point

Blac Fig

The Cricket Hub Tasmania

University Football Club

Franklin Wharf Restaurant

Islington Hotel

Telegraph Hotel

Sush Bank Arcade

Sush Collins Street

Sush Track

Callington Mill Distillery

Mouth Waters Café

Red Velvet Lounge

Membership or Corporate Enquiries? contact Nick Roney E: nick@tha.asn.au PH: 0439 119 343

SWITCH NOW AND YOU CAN CLAIM NOW with no waiting periods*

Ask us about your THA 8% discount ø today! Contact us on 0429 263 474 or email corporate@stlukes.com.au

* No waiting periods apply when switching to equivalent or lower level of cover providing all waiting periods have been served with the previous insurer. ø The discount cannot be combined with other discounts available under other arrangements between St.LukesHealth and other alliance partners. St.LukesHealth ABN 81 009 479 618.

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