King's Business - 1954-06

THE SUNTAN SET see page 55 BROTHER LAWRENCE The P r e sen c e o f God


JUNE 25c Educational Issue


Dr. Emerson: Monday Undoes Sunday tee page 12


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A N I N T E R D E N O M I N A T I O N A L N O N - P R O F I T F O U N D A T I O N • 4 3 4 S O U T H W A B A S H , C H I C A G O 5, I L L . 20 YEARS OF SUCCESS RECALL GOD’S BLESSINGS ON FOUNDATION’S MINISTRY Sunday School Films Great A id To Teachers How can we do a,better job with our pupils?

God’s amazing blessing on the ministry o f Scripture Press Foundation are re­ called by Victor E. Cory, president, as the organization looks forward this fall to observing its twentieth anniversary of publishing Sunday School materials. As pioneer in producing Biblically sound, graded Sunday School lesson ma­ terials, Scripture Press’ first lessons were introduced in the fall of 1934. Original curriculum, which for the first time made available all o f the Bible, was planned by Dr. Clarence H. Benson, then head o f the Christian Education Department of Moody Bible Institute. From this unique feature o f covering all of the Bible in the curriculum, Scrip­ ture Press derived the descriptive title, “ All-Bible Graded Series.” This feature, too, according to Cory, has been one of THE PEOPLE SPEAK “ Your All-Bible Graded Series of lessons has helped me tremendously as a pupil and as a teacher. My daily Bible reading habit was developed and the Word of God became more meaningful and precious.” — Illinois “ It is much easier to get teachers with this fine literature. It is doing a lot for the School, too. Our attendance is running over 25% higher than last year.” — Iowa “ Your graded lessons have been wonderful. I, as a teacher, have learned much from the systematic study, and parents o f the pupils have said they have learned more Bible since their children have had these books than they ever learned before.” —Michigan DEPT. 00-000 | 434 South Wabash Avenue • Chicago 5, III. | Please send me the new TEACH ING PICTURE | sets marked below at 75c per set: | _________P6554 Bible background pictures = P6SSS Conduct Pictures E P6556 Family and missionary pictures i P6557 Seasonal pictures | _________P6558 Child activity pictures | CHARGE O CASH Q Amount Enclosed_____ I NAME_____________________________________________ | STREET____________________________________________ | CITY_____________________________( ) STATE_____ | Pastor—, S.S. Supt.—, Dir.Chr. Ed.__ , Sec.__, E Other____________________ | S C R IP T U R E P R E S S

the chief reasons for the amazing popu­ larity of the Scripture Press lessons. Today the All-Bible Graded Series has one of the largest circulations of any graded lesson material. Mpanwhile, the departmentally graded ^principle, with its many practical advan­ tages'; is being hailed by an increasing number of educational authorities as the proper method o f grading for Sunday Schools. As use o f the All-Bible Graded Series boomed, Scripture Press launched other

Every earnest teacher asks himself this question periodically. Three good answers are provided by Scripture Press’ new films developed specifically to show Sun­ day Schools and Sunday School teachers how to improve their techniques. “ G od ’s Acre o f Diamonds’ is an im­ pressive documentary film, emphasizing the importance o f the Sunday School as the evangelistic arm o f the church. “ Doorways to Decision” is a dramatic portrayal of results o f Sunday School vis­ itation with practical hints for conduct­ ing a visitation campaign. “ Stars in your Crown” is a never to be forgotten film on winning pupils to a per­ sonal acceptance o f Christ through indi­ vidual contacts. All three films are 16mm. sound in black and white. Approximate running time is 20 minutes each. According to Miss Gladys Siegfried, head o f the Film Department, Sunday School Superintendents and pastors re­ port enthusiastic response as a result of using these films in hundreds o f churches across the country. Oldest and perhaps still one of the most effective visual teaching aids is the flat picture. Recognizing this, Scripture Press has launched a new set of teaching pictures for use with Beginners and Primaries. For those tired o f searching forjust the right picture to give pupils an idea of what a Palestinian home looked like, or a picture of a child sharing with another ... these sets are made to order. Now ready are five different sets of those hard-to-get pictures that every Sun­ day School teacher needs. Printed in 5 colors, the pictures are 9 x 11V4 inches. Eight pictures in each set are packaged in attractive side-open envelopes for easy filing. These pictures may be used to illus­ trate life in Bible times, for missionary emphasis, as examples o f right conduct, or for room decorations. Order all 5 sets today. See your local dealer, or write Scrip­ ture Press. New Pictures Prove Seeing Is Believing

teaching tools. The most popular o f these have been the correlated visual aids, also usable separately. These include the now famous “ Suede-graphs,” which visu­ alize Bible stories, “ Gospel- graphs” which visualize Bible truths, Mission-graphs, table- top projects, etc.

Scripture Press also has branched out into other fields. These products include Vacation Bible School lessons, Sunday School films, record system, books, and miscellaneous Sunday School features. “ We praise God for His blessing on our ministry during these first twenty years,” says Cory. “ We are trusting Him for even greater opportunities in the important years just ahead.” Now Scripture Press is readying a number of other products including new courses for Cradle Roll, Nursery, Senior High and Home departments,as well as a number of new book titles. 434 South W abash A ve. • Chicago 5, III. DEPT. KBA-64 \ I ’m particularly interested in the follow ing: CRADLE ROLL—, NURSERY—, BEGINNER—, I PRIMARY—, JUNIOR—, INTERMEDIATE (Jr. High)—, f SENIOR—, ADULT___



ADDRESS __________________________________________ | CITY----------------------------- ( ) STATE____________ f Pastor—, S.S.Supt.—, Dir.Chr.Ed___, Sec.__, Other__ |

___________ Orderfrom yourfavorite dealer orfrom S C R I P T U R E P R E S S

JUNE 1954


Building spiritual ministry BASED on solid expo­ sition of the WORD. BASED ON THE WORD . . . For information write: The Registrar TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY

558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California



Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Vol. 45, No. 6

JUNE, 1954

Established 1910

ARTICLES THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL — Wallace Emerson .................................. 12 EDUCATION IN COLOMBIA ....................................................................... 14 OUR GREATEST MISSION FIELD — Clyde Narramore ........................ 15 NON-CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS — Joe Bayly .............................................. 16 BROTHER LAWRENCE — The Practice of the Presence of God .... 18 WITNESS FOR CHRIST — Opportunities for teachers in secular schools — Stanley Taylor .. 20 HAWAIIAN CRUISE ...................................................................................... 28 POEMS FOR JUNE — Martha Snell Nicholson 39 DR. TALBOT'S AFRICAN TRIP IN PHOTOS ....................................... 40 SEASIDE MISSION — Photo story ............................................................. 55 FEATURES READER REACTION ......................................................................................... ^ FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ................................................................. 8 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news .......................... 10 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 11 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry .......................... \ 22 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg 23 OUT OF THE LAB — Donald S. Robertson ............................................ 24 CHURCH OF THE MONTH — First Brethren, Long Beach .............. 25 PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE — Paul M. Aijian ................................................ 26 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton .............................. 27 33 BOOK REVIEWS — Donald G. Davis ........................................................... 34 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ........................................... 37 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore .. 38 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS — Oran H. Smith .............................. 40 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ................................................................... 42 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker .................................. 44 ADVERTISERS' INDEX .................................................................................... 58 CHR IST IAN EDUCATION FINEST OF THE WHEAT — Glenn F. O'Neal ....................................... 36 LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED — Margaret Jacobsen 47 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett ............................. 48 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS— Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 50 OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. Wilder ...................................................... 53 COVER In this special educational issue you'll find articles stating the case for Christian education and articles stating the case for secular ed­ ucation. Each article has been written by an expert In his field. The man on the cover Is Dr. Wallace Emerson (see page 12 for his article defending Christian schools). Photo : Lloyd Hamill IN CHRIST IS LIFE — Can You Agree With Christ? 29 , - . . . . HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr

chancellor LOUIS T. TALBOT editor S. H. SUTHERLAND monaging editor LLOYD HAMILL copy editor ROSE HARDIE editoria! assistant LUCY R. REDMOND advertising manager MILTON R. SUE circulation manager STELLA KINTER business manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER editorial board Paul M. Aijian » Charles L. Feinberg Martha S. Hooker * Glenn F. O'Neal • Donald S. Robertson Gerald B. Stanton

Donald 6. Davis • James O. Henry ’ rwa,,9aTo1

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13/ 1938. Printed in U.S.A, by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

'The King's Business." Date of expira­ tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For ihformation address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— "The King's Business" cannot1accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed’ to us for consideration.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details, Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective, Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Payable in advance, shouId be 'made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to

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e c i

WHAT IS A PRESBYTERIAN? Sirs: Your answer to Dr. Bonnell’s arti­ cle in Look magazine is timely and necessary. Cyrus M. Nelson Glendale, Calif. President, Gospel Light Press Sirs: I have read with interest your arti­ cle and think there is a good deal of merit to your contention that Dr. Bonnell may not be properly repre­ senting the denomination he appeared to be speaking for in the Look article. However, I do raise a question or two. I think you are not in harmony either with the Reformed Faith or with Paul when you insist on the physical body if you insist upon that being the actual physical body mole­ cule for molecule of the earthly body which is laid in the grave. I think we owe it to readers to be careful in our language, particularly when we get to challenging other people’s or­ thodoxy. You have impugned the orthodoxy of Bonnell without being explicit yourself. If we are not liter- alists—and Jesus plainly condemns and repudiates literalists—you run in­ to no such roadblocks as you invite. Crescent City, Calif. Don M. Chase CAN 'T AFFORD NOT TO Sirs: Can’t afford to subscribe but can’t afford not to. Mt. Vernon, Wash. Mrs. W. R. Robbins IN OUR HOME Sirs: The K in g ’ s B usiness holds a very important place in our home and hearts. We have found so much help to our hungry souls in the truly inspired articles. Sacramento, Calif. Mrs. John Bieth FINDS CHRIST Sirs: My neighbor just recently intro­ duced me to the magazine and now that I have accepted Christ in my life I am anxious to have it in my home. Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Anne C. Phillips SUDSY CURE Sirs: Please explain about the “ Ameri­ can-made washing powder detergent cure” (How Our Missionaries Live in M exico, February). This happens to be one of our big problems here also. Karuizawa, Japan Mary Reid Gospel Recordings staffer Lloyd Ol­ son told us that an enema of one rounded tablespoon of'Tide to a quart of warm water proved helpful in the treatment of amoebic dysentery. — -ED.

to everyone in Sunday School?

Get keen interest andhold good attention while teaching the Bible to all ages, tiny tots to mature adults, with Gospel Light Lessons. They, are easily mastered. Gospel-Light Lessons are modern-type education, tested and used by thousands of Sunday schools all over America for vital Bible teaching. Gospel Light Lessons are correctly graded for each year of childhood and right up through the teens into adult­ hood. At every age level, the undated Gospel-Light Lessons enable any person to gain a better understanding of God’s message because we make it interesting and vital. In this way, the whole Bible is alluring, vivid. It lives.

Classes won’t dwindle from older ways of teaching. You’ll see classes grow larger, each pupil’s attendance higher all through his formative years. Gives them the Word sharp and clear. Presents it warmly, vividly and convincingly. The RESULTS are gratifying to a-teacher's heart. You must SEE and look over the re­ freshing Gospel-Light Lessons to fully appreciate them. For children, there are full-color pictures, activity packets. The whole teacher’s program and procedures are clear and complete, making for thor­ ough Bible teaching and training. Y ou should examine FREE sample books yourself— at your local Christian Book Store, or write us today. PLEASE SEND FREE samples of Gospel Light Sun­ day-school Lessons. Dept. KB-6 Name__________________ '______________________________ Street_ City- _Zone____State. Church_____ Q Pastor □ Teacher □ S. S. Sopt. 0 Dir. Ch. Ed. 0 Adult for own enlightenment

Send NOW for FREE Sample Books


JUNE 1954

tomthe editor’s desk


A B ib le -C en tered Education fl^he course of study at The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., is I designed to provide a thorough knowledge of the Word of God plus thorough foundation training in representative collegiate subjects in the liberal arts field. Regardless of what a young person plans to do as a vocation, an adequate knowledge of the Word of God will be of inestimable value. The complete training offered at The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., is extremely valuable to any Christian young person. The Bible Institute is expanding its facilities to accommodate even more young people than heretofore. Information concerning the school, its curriculum and other pertinent data will be gladly furnished to anyone who is interested. Four distinct schools make up the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., the two-year Bible Institute course; the four-year B io l a Bible College, with several different majors; the one-year post-graduate School of Mis­ sionary Medicine; and the three-year post-graduate Talbot Theological Seminary. In the B io l a Bible College, students may take training toward any kind of full-time Christian work. The Education course provides training leading to the granting of California State Elementary Teaching Creden­ tials. Those who desire a thorough grounding in the Word of God, plus the teaching credentials, should inquire concerning this particular course of study. For all information concerning training offered at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., write to the Office of the Registrar. M od e rn -D ay B e traya l P robably a new low was recently reached in the modernistic effort to destroy the plain truths of the Word of God, when there appeared in one of the local metropolitan newspapers a sermon resume by a prominent clergyman, high in Los Angeles Church Federation circles. The •clergyman presented his estimate of the betrayal of our Lord by Judas Iscariot, by stating, “ Judas had witnessed marvelous demon­ strations of Jesus’ power; he felt in Christ was all they needed for a great leader, that if He were put on the spot, He would show His hand and then, through necessity, call on His amazing powers to free and re­ establish the Israelites.” This satanic hypothesis has been presented from time to time throughout the history of the church. But it is so completely disproven by the very statements of Scripture that it becomes somewhat amazing to think that a so-called professing Christian minister would dare to suggest it as a possible explanation of Judas’ hellish betrayal of our blessed Lord. Without attempting to minimize the awfulness of the betrayal by Judas, we would do well to remind ourselves that there are other ways, in this day, of betraying the Lord of Glory. A man who stands in a pulpit which has been dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel and the eternal truths which are found in the Word of God, and who is ordained to the high calling of presenting Jesus Christ to a world lost in darkness and sin, and who spends sacred moments trying to defend Judas Iscariot, as well as denying the great truths surrounding our Lord’s person and work, is as guilty of modern-day betrayal of our Lord as was Judas himself.


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For a 2-week Bible Conference Cruise

OrJjWin One of these 24 Other Valuable Prizes for Your Church 1st prize is a free trip to Hawaii for pastor of winning church. Two full weeks next January when a vaca­ tion to sunny Hawaii is most appreci­ ated. Your pastor will not only enjoy a much needed rest but he will be part of a thrilling Bible conference (see ad inside back cover). 2nd prize is the same wonderful two-week Ha­ waii trip, one-half paid. 3rd to 5th prizes: free tuition for one full year ($225) at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for a young person from your church. 6th to 8th prizes: Pen- tron Tape Recorders ($188.50 each). These are the tape recorders so val­ ued by business-men and ministers. 9th to 11th prizes: Smith-Corona port­ able typewriters ($103.55 each). 12th and 13th prizes: Viewlex 35 mm. slide projectors ($96.55 each). 14th and 15th prizes: Radiant Champion 70 x 70 glass beaded projection screens ($46.95 each). 16th to 25th prizes: Exotic bouquets of flowers flown in from Hawaii for your church sanc­ tuary. (If winners are not on direct air route domestic flowers may be substituted).

T his is a"magazine subscription contest with a two-fold purpose: 1) For your help and faithfulness you may make it possible for your church to get needed equipment or even send your pastor on a deserved vaca­ tion in the middle of next winter—or send a deserving young person to Bible school. 2) By furthering the Christian magazine ministry you will be having a definite part in this evangelical work for our Saviour. People are being saved while reading K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s . Others are being helped. Isn’t that the kind of ministry you can whole-heartedly support? We believe we can count on you to help us get the magazine into more homes. For complete details write to: Contest Editor, K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s magazine, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17.

Sponsored by Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. and the King's Business Magazine 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.


J U N E 1 9 5 4

A monthly column of names in the news.

Dawson Trotman's world-wide Navi­ gator organization (among other items the Navigators handle the follow-up work for the Billy Graham Evange­ listic crusades} this month was mov­ ing to a new headquarters high in the Colorado Rockies. The new head­ quarters is Glen Eyrie, a large ranch near Colorado Springs. With the closing of their Los Angeles office, an area headquarters for Southern Cali­ fornia will be maintained at 509 Monterey Road, South Pasadena. Merv Rosell, widely traveled Cali­ fornia evangelist, is scheduled to open Youth for Christ International’s 10th annual convention at Winona Lake, Ind. on July 4. In Chicago, the Christian Business Men's Committee has announced the purchase of a new Victory Center in the downtown area. The five-story building cost $250,000 and another $40,000 is being spent on alterations. Ground floor will house Faith Chapel, second floor will be devoted to men and women in the Armed Forces, fourth floor will be used as a meeting place for various Christian organiza­ tions and the two other floors will be leased to Christian groups. Bob Jones University's film depart­ ment is busy grinding out a feature- length color movie based on the life of Barabbas. Some 400 students and professors at the University have been selected to work in the production that is titled, W ine of Morning. The film is scheduled for release early next year. In Los Angeles recently, gospel chorister Phil Kerr put on one of his biggest banquets to date. The affair was staged in the L.A. Breakfast Club and the guest musicians read like a list of who’s who in gospel music. The music started early and contin­ ued uninterrupted for four hours. Billy Graham's London crusade had recorded more, than 20,000 decisions three weeks before the campaign closed and a total attendance of more than 900,000. In the closing weeks Graham was invited to speak at Cam­ bridge University where 300 decisions were recorded among the students.

Above, the result is con­ gregations of firmly es­ tablished new believers like this one in Che Chun , Korea. Left, they hear the

Gospel nightly in great tent campaigns like this. EVENTS


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X he Oriental Missionary Society’s trained ministry is the only hope for an indigenous church in these fields in the event the doors close against our missionaries tomorrow. For this purpose God has raised up the Oriental Missionary Society Bible Training Seminaries. Help us train natives NOW! Only $10.00 a month will train one of these vital messengers of the cross.

The Oriental Missionary Society also has 16 orphanages, 4 widows homes, 2 leper colonies, 300 churches. 1 Bible school and 4 clinics. Tons of food are sent monthly from this country. Send contributions to: THE ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY 900 North Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles 29, Calif. Missionary Activity in 10 Nations


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With more than 160 religious publications looking for stories and articles, here’s an opportunity for YOU to receive regular checks from pleased editors— if you have THE KNOW HOW. Join the hundreds of students in Christian Writers Institute who are writing news stories, articles, fiction and children’s mater­ ial for the religious market. STILL ENTHUSIASTIC

R esu lts of D isobed ien ce 1 lthea, will you set the table for /■lunch, please? The girls will *soon be home from school.” “ I not do anything you tell me to do,” came the defiant answer of a 4-year-old. “ What did you say, young lady?” an exasperated mother asked. “You get to that kitchen, this very minute and get busy. You are getting a little too saucy for your boots.” The little miss was miffed at her mother because she had been told to stay indoors now that it was nearly noon. Wee Mark was having his cereal and the lunch was not yet ready. For her age, Althea does well in setting the table; usually begging to do it. This was an unexpected turn of events. Shuffling slowly to the kitchen she stood at the door and eyed Mother defiantly. “ Come, sweetie, get the plates around,” Mother coaxed. “NO.” “Do you want to be switched?” “ I get the ‘witch’, Mama. She a bad girl.” 2-year-old Ardyth took up the battle on Mother’s side and soon handed the switch over, a smug expression on her little face. A quick switch across the legs set Althea to work although she’d never have won any speed award. As Mother went about lunch preparation she remembered Ar- dyth’s eagerness to get the ‘witch’ for her sister’s punishment. She knew exactly where the switch was kept and brought it with lightning speed. Even at her ten­ der age she knew Althea had been naughty and needed correc­ tion. Althea knew she deserved it too. After lunch she told Mother she was sorry. But without cor­ rection she would not have been sorry. So God the Father has often to deal with His children. Often He is forced to use the “ switch” ; lightly on some of us, heavier on others . . . “whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth . . (Heb. 12:6).

"In the last four, months, I've had at least one article accepted every week. One editor, after I'd submitted one article, even asked for six more, so I'm still as enthusias­ tic about your course as ever and am recommend­ ing it to others." Paul

Freiwirth, N.Y., N.Y., grad. CMW. OTHER SATISFIED STUDENTS WRITE "There seemed to be a challenge in your course and the instructions were so compact and simple I'm sure I received as much from your course of seven lessons as I did from one three times as long and ten times as expensive. Since receiving my diploma V have made sev­ eral sales, the last one to CHRISTIAN» LIFE magazine." Mrs. Beulah Briggs, Sebastopol/ Calif., grad. BCW, enrollee CMW. "Your BCW course is the most practical and down-to-earth that I've seen*. After trying two other schools of writing, I was skeptical and discouraged, but decided to give you a try. I've learned more from this course than from anything else I've seen. My seventh assign­ ment was published on the front page of the JOHNSON COUNTY HERALD and lrm to be church reporter for our church with the op­ portunity of gradually doing other types of writing for the paper— perhaps a column of my own in time." Ada Wilson, Kansas City, Mo., grad. BCW, enrollee CF, CMW. YOU CAN WRITE Enroll today in "Beginning Christian Writer." Learn at home— in your spare time— the essen­ tials of good news writing, the construction of "the lead." Learn how to organize your mate­ rial, how to write colorfully in the language of today. ONLY $5.00 STARTS YOU You can start on this exciting writing career for as little as $5 initial payment; the balance of $10 payable in two monthly installments. Total cost of course $15. To enroll or to ask for further information, complete coupon NOW and mail. FREE! WITH YOUR ENROLLMENT ★ One year's subscription to CHRISTIAN LIFE magazine. ★ One year's subscription to M ARKET TIPS, publication of Christian Writers Institute. ■A Beautiful Gold Embossed Binder for your lessons. Clip Coupon Here CHRISTIAN WRITERS INSTITUTE 434 South Wabash Avenue Dept. KB 24 Chicago 5, Illinois D Enclosed is my first payment on "Begin­ ning Christian Writer." Start my course at once. □ Send m^ in fo rm a tio n on "Beginning Christian Writer.” NAME _____________ L ____________ ADDRESS ________________________________ ' CITY ___;______________ ZONE____ STATE_______ __ 11

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JUNE 1954

T his is a challenge for education under Christian auspices. A chal­ lenge to a field that after long years of recession, one might almost say depression, is once more develop­ ing rapidly because of an acknowl­ edged need. This need is not met by the public schools as they are now conducted and perhaps cannot be met by the public schools even were they to more closely approxi­ mate the Christian ideal in education. In this country we have agreed that church and state are to be sep­ arate; that church is not to interfere with the affairs of the state, that state is not to interfere in the affairs of the church. Implicit in this under­ standing is the corollary that the church shall loyally concede to the state the right of way in all secular matters. The state on its part, while not avowing any religious preference, stands equally obligated to be in no way committed to anti-religion or irreligion. Its very basis of successful operation will disappear at the mo­ ment that any such state suppresses, denies, or belittles the efforts of the chur’ches in its midst. By its very nature, however, when the state enters into the field of edu­ cation, as it has done in this coun­ try, it is committed to a non-sectarian type of training though not neces­ sarily one that is secular. There is nothing in our educational set-up that would forbid much that would encourage Christians of all denomina­ tions to man the teaching positions in all schools under governmental auspices. But if the state must main­ tain itself through a system of non­ sectarian schools, by what process must the church maintain itself? The answer to this question is written large in the church-related schools of this country. Whereas many of the church lead­ ers have had an elementary school training under state auspices and in a large number of cases a secondary education under the same auspices, I think it will be discovered that by far the larger number of denomina­ tional leaders in any denomination The Author Dr. Emerson (see cover) received his bachelors degree from Huron College, his masters degree from Stanford University and his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. He served in the public schools for 15 years, and taught courses in education and psychology at Occidental College, University of South­ ern California, San Diego State Teachers College, Los Angeles Pacific College, Wheaton College and Houghton College. He was president of Westmont College and is currently head of the Christian Education Department at the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles. 12

Education The case against secular The Christian Here are 12 points that are sometimes overlooked when Christians are


that it is a healthy thing for public education to have competition, just as it is also a healthy thing for pri­ vate education to have competition. But I doubt whether any of the groups now responsible for the rapid expansion of the Christian day schools are doing it from a historic perspec­ tive or on philosophical grounds. The cost is too great, and the procedure involves a right about face from pre­ vious policies and commitments. I have gone into the reasons of this more fully in a previous article (K in g ’ s B usiness , October 1952) so that perhaps it is enough to say in summary that Christian parents, while not antagonistic to public schools, feel that the best interests of their children and even their souls’ welfarq cannot be met by public edu­ cation and hence must be carried out by the Christian day school where the so-called secular education sub­ jects may be integrated with the child’s religious and spiritual think­ ing; where he may be taught by teachers who are free to help him in such integration and where he may be watched over by individuals who are committed not only to his intellectual development, but to his moral and spiritual growth as well. The Christian day school today is committed to much the same philos­ ophy that motivated Dr. Arnold at Rugby who not only revolutionized teaching in his own school, but the public schools of Great Britain. He did not express- it quite this way, but the sum total of his educational phi­ losophy was that it was the business of Rugby first of all to make Chris­ tians, secondly, to make gentlemen, and third, to make scholars. Or put­ ting it in another way I suppose that today we would translate it as first, man’s spiritual life, second, his prop­ er and courteous relation to his fel­ low man, third, the field of learning. It would seem that all Christian teachers at heart have something of THE KING'S BUSINESS

have been educated on the higher levels in denominational schools. It is difficult of course to give exact statistics here, but the very large number of schools that are denomina­ tionally related is an indication of denominational feeling that their leadership requires the maintenance of such institutions. Of course this is granted so far as seminaries are concerned, but I think equally so as far as colleges are involved. The fact that private schools were first in the field in this country and have been able to maintain themselves success­ fully in spite of the tremendous re­ sources open to public education is further corroborated by the fact that denominational institutions have con­ tinued to be founded and supported in large numbers after public educa­ tion became available to all. The fact that many of these institutions have lost their "first love and have become more and more secularized- does not in any way negate the point we are making. The rapidly developing Christian day school movement on the second­ ary and elementary levels is there­ fore merely an extension downward of this same denominational attitude and in fact it is merely a return to a state of affairs which existed long before public education became wide­ spread. That the Roman Catholic Church should find it necessary to maintain parochial schools on all lev­ els in order to maintain itself ill a Protestant environment is not at all strange. It is significant however, that Protestant denominations, Luth­ eran, Seventh-Day Adventists, Reform, Baptist, interdenominational churches and other groups, are finding it de­ sirable in spite of the tremendous expenditures involved to maintain Christian day schools on an elemen­ tary and secondary level. I think that most individuals who have a background in history and philosophy of education will grant

do business that way as seeming fairer to more people. When it comes to a matter of spiritual, religious, or moral leadership it is probable that the situation is much like that de­ scribed by Churchill when he spoke of the RAF, “ . . . never in the history of the world have so many owed so much to so few.” And spiritually speaking, it is the business of the Christian day school to see to it that this number does not increase. For the following reasons then, Christian teachers are likely to con­ tinue to seek service in Christian in­ stitutions: First, there is a favorable atmosphere and philosophy underly­ ing the existence and administration of Christian schools which make the teachers’ efforts welcome and produc­ tive, and which make him a satisfied individual because of the nature of his service even though financially he is not adequately rewarded. Sec­ ondly, the Christian day school is necessary to the health and re-direc­ tion of public schools themselves. Third, a spiritual leadership is more likely to continue for the church from its own educational sources than from secular sources. Fourth, even the moral values which the public school strives to uphold are difficult without spiritual sanctions. What the Sun­ day school teaches on Sunday is not at all likely to be integrated with what the public school teaches on Monday. Fifth, a better type of discipline, and hence teaching, is probably one of the valid claims that the private school has a right to make. Sixth, even assuming the adequacy from all angles of the public school offer­ ing, our educational results are likely to be better with two systems rather than with one; that is, public and Christian and that diversities of view­ point are always in the interests of a healthier situation. Seventh, every child has a right to grow up in an atmosphere that is congenial to him spiritually and ideologically. We still recognize the necessity for a public school system, its great serv­ ice to the country, its potentialities for good, and the likelihood that it will continue to educate in the future as in the past three-fourths of each generation. Actually there is nothing wrong with the public school system that isn’t wrong with society as a whole. When we talk about the public school we are not talking about a group of people who get together as a separate part of the American scene, but we are merely' talking about that which is a projection, edu­ cationally, of the morals, manners customs, and ways of thinking of the American people as a whole. END.

population. In spite of the New York teachers’ attempt to cover up the matter, the papers recently gave us a picture of a widespread reign of terror in the public schools of New York City, where there was not only a lack of control, but actual crime on the part of the grade students. We may expect much more of this sort of thing. The discipline in the mod­ em school can be and often is a very excellent reason for teachers to get out of the profession at the first opportunity and for other prospective teachers not to enter it. There are many other problems that space would not permit us to discuss but I should like to suggest in this article that the public school must somehow or other be revitalized with a different philosophy of educa­ tion before Christian teachers can do their best work under its auspices. It may be that this process is pos­ sible, certainly it is desirable since it would be utterly impossible for the Christian day school movement to take upon itself the financial bur­ den of furnishing education to 30 million young people. However, it would seem that vigorous, numerous, well-run Christian day schools might help the public schools to a re- evaluation of their procedures. Protestants have consistently, in the main, depended upon public educa­ tion and their desertion of that means of education in favor of the Christian day school in increasing numbers is more significant from the fact of past support. A democracy has to go forward on the basis bf majorities, so far as its' political affairs are con­ cerned. But so far as its leadership, whether it be political, moral, or spiritual, it is always minorities which furnish and usually imple­ ment such leadership. Majorities are not always right, in fact it is quite possible, as David Starr Jordon used to say, that they are wrong. But we Your Prayer Requests Each morning at nine the editor­ ial staff of King's Business maga­ zine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heart- cry of thousands. Should you have a request we would count it a priv­ ilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, King's Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

education School considering education

this same program in mind whether it is expressed this way or nbt and of necessity feel cramped and handi­ capped where the emphasis is placed in the reverse order and where the spiritual aspect of things can only be accomplished by the teacher’s ex­ ample and week-end activities, im­ portant1as these things are. There are probably many reasons why there are not more Christians in public schools. In my own thinking the following reasons, based on 15 years of experience in public schools, somewhat dominate my position. First, the modern American school, and in fact educational thinking, has been dominated by John Dewey’s educational philosophy which in turn was based on his agnostic interpre­ tation of instrumentalism. The ag­ nosticism does not usually appear in the educational philosophy, but is nevertheless implicit in it. Secondly, this creates an atmosphere that is entirely secular where it is not open­ ly antagonistic to evangelical faith. Third, this atmosphere assumes that an educated man will per se be a moral man and a good citizen. Four, that such a program has attracted in unusual numbers administrators and educational leaders who see no need for spiritual values as basic to the moral values which many of them truly believe are necessary. This is most significantly shown by the fact that educators in many states are acquiescent to the banishment of the Bible from the public schools and its designation as a sectarian book. There is a fifth reason that applies not only to Christian teachers but to educators of all kinds; namely, that partly as a result of the lack of moral and spiritual values in our Ameri­ can philosophy of education it is today a nerve-wracking and discour­ aging thing to be a teacher. In many schools there i.s a general un­ ruliness, delinquency and down-right rebellion on the part of the student

JUNE 1954


Education : Colombia

One of the most difffcuBt spots in the

Western hemisphere for Protestan ts has long

been Colombia. Now a new phase of

the persecution there has just come to light

C olombia has again demonstrated to the world what an iron-fisted church-state thinks of civil liberties. A fortnight ago the world was learning of the Colombian government’s latest outrage against its citizens. This newest bit of authoritarian swash­ buckling had enough of the unusual in it to warrant even prominent mention in the secular press. Many evangelicals do not know that two small Colombian islands (San Andres and Providencia) are 95% Protestant and have been since they were colonized by English Puritans. Later the English population died out and today the islands are popu­ lated with descendents of African slaves. Their re­ ligion: 80% Baptist, 15% Seventh-Day Adventist, 5% Roman Catholic. The Colombians living on these two tiny islands have built one of the finest educational systems in the world. Literacy is 100%. On the Colombian mainland literacy is a pitiful 56%. The Roman Catho­ lic dominated government has long chafed over the knowledge that these Protestant areas in their domain were so far advanced. This spring the government struck. A new Inspector of Education was appointed for the islands. The new inspector: a Spanish Roman Catholic priest. His first action was to arbitrarily shut down all Protestant schools. The action is based on an agreement between the government and the Vatican that makes the islands one of 18 Colombian mission territories reserved to Catholics. This in an area that is only 5% Catholic. This week the children of San Andres and Previdencia had no classrooms available except in a few badly crowded government schools taught by Capuchin friars. END.




The Gospel and Our Public Schools

W hich is the greatest mission field? I asked this question of a nationally prominent man not long ago, and he replied: “ I’m not sure which is the greatest, but I do know which is the forgotten one—it’s the American public school!” I don’t know how it ever happened. It seems incredible that we could get so interested in everything else, that we would forget the minds and hearts of our young people. The United States is furnishing leadership to most of the world, and that lead­ ership is trained almost entirely in the public schools. We have turned the schools over to non-Christians and the materialistic crowd, and we are reaping the harvest! We have stood by, adjusting our mission sights to distant places, while the very foun­ dation on which we were standing has been deteriorating. It is true that teachers who mould our nation’s minds and hearts, mould our future. Not only do elementary, high school, and college teachers af­ fect the future; but they affect the present. Children cannot vote until they are grown, but they do influ­ ence families, parents, communities, churches and institutions long before they reach the age of 21. Demand for Teachers One of the greatest professional demands in the history of the United States is the current one for educa­ tors. The critical shortage is alarm­ ing. Top educators are frantically worried about the diminishing sup­ ply of teachers. If a great army of 312,000 qualified educators should suddenly descend upon the United States, every one of them could be given a position immediately. Cali­ fornia alone needs 13,000 new teach­ ers every year. New York City’s child population has jumped 53.3 per cent since 1940, and at the same time teachers have become more scarce. For example, the teacher can­ didate enrollment at New York Uni­ versity dropped from 11,010 in 1949 to only 7,237 this year. Not All Educators are Teachers So many young people have said, “ I would like to work with children or with young adults, but I’m just not cut out to be a teacher.” There was a time when the educational pro-, fession was comprised nearly entire­

ly of classroom teachers. Today the picture is different. A Christian can be in the profession and not be a classroom teacher at all. With only a slight variation for each education­ al level (elementary, secondary, col­ lege) we need school nurses, admin­ istrators, secretaries, guidance direc­ tors, deans, supervisors, business man­ agers, attendance officers, education consultants, social workers, psychome- trists, and school psychologists. These positions are all vital and interesting. In fact, some educators without class­ room responsibilities have as much or more opportunity to influence a school or community for Christ as the classroom teacher himself. Opportunities for Witnessing E. W. Kayser, a district school superintendent in California states: “What opportunities we have to wit­ ness for our Lord and Saviour. I am glad that I am a born-again Christian because I have found in Christ a strength and a power to meet prob­ lems in education under which I might otherwise fail and give up in my effort to help youth of today. As I face my daily tasks I have a Helper for whom there is no equal. Happy as an educator to be a Christian? What utter folly to be without Christ in this, or any other work. When parents enroll their children in school, it is not difficult to sense spir­ itual interests and needs. Christians are among our strongest supporters. Parents who are not Christians defi­ nitely respect my stand.” The need for Christian educators is evident at all levels. As Dr. Leo T. Phearman, a college professor, re­ lates, “ The opportunities I have for witnessing are innumerable. The way I live is a constant witness. Good teacher traits are typically Christian ones. I never need to go out of my way to witness for Christ. My edu­ cational career is packed with oppor­ tunities to speak to others.” In Los Angeles, Leona Schneider, a high school teacher, says, “ I am glad that I am a Christian teacher. Students come to me after class to ask about Christianity, and I am happy that I can help them and tell' them what Christ means to me. We need many, many more Christian teachers in public education. I think continued on page 29

greatest mission field

M aybe you ’ ve never thought of the public

schools as a mission field . Some teachers have and their testimonies make thrilling reading


Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, graduate of Columbia University, New York City, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in America.


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