King's Business - 1954-06


With more than 160 religious publications looking for stories and articles, here’s an opportunity for YOU to receive regular checks from pleased editors— if you have THE KNOW HOW. Join the hundreds of students in Christian Writers Institute who are writing news stories, articles, fiction and children’s mater­ ial for the religious market. STILL ENTHUSIASTIC

R esu lts of D isobed ien ce 1 lthea, will you set the table for /■lunch, please? The girls will *soon be home from school.” “ I not do anything you tell me to do,” came the defiant answer of a 4-year-old. “ What did you say, young lady?” an exasperated mother asked. “You get to that kitchen, this very minute and get busy. You are getting a little too saucy for your boots.” The little miss was miffed at her mother because she had been told to stay indoors now that it was nearly noon. Wee Mark was having his cereal and the lunch was not yet ready. For her age, Althea does well in setting the table; usually begging to do it. This was an unexpected turn of events. Shuffling slowly to the kitchen she stood at the door and eyed Mother defiantly. “ Come, sweetie, get the plates around,” Mother coaxed. “NO.” “Do you want to be switched?” “ I get the ‘witch’, Mama. She a bad girl.” 2-year-old Ardyth took up the battle on Mother’s side and soon handed the switch over, a smug expression on her little face. A quick switch across the legs set Althea to work although she’d never have won any speed award. As Mother went about lunch preparation she remembered Ar- dyth’s eagerness to get the ‘witch’ for her sister’s punishment. She knew exactly where the switch was kept and brought it with lightning speed. Even at her ten­ der age she knew Althea had been naughty and needed correc­ tion. Althea knew she deserved it too. After lunch she told Mother she was sorry. But without cor­ rection she would not have been sorry. So God the Father has often to deal with His children. Often He is forced to use the “ switch” ; lightly on some of us, heavier on others . . . “whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth . . (Heb. 12:6).

"In the last four, months, I've had at least one article accepted every week. One editor, after I'd submitted one article, even asked for six more, so I'm still as enthusias­ tic about your course as ever and am recommend­ ing it to others." Paul

Freiwirth, N.Y., N.Y., grad. CMW. OTHER SATISFIED STUDENTS WRITE "There seemed to be a challenge in your course and the instructions were so compact and simple I'm sure I received as much from your course of seven lessons as I did from one three times as long and ten times as expensive. Since receiving my diploma V have made sev­ eral sales, the last one to CHRISTIAN» LIFE magazine." Mrs. Beulah Briggs, Sebastopol/ Calif., grad. BCW, enrollee CMW. "Your BCW course is the most practical and down-to-earth that I've seen*. After trying two other schools of writing, I was skeptical and discouraged, but decided to give you a try. I've learned more from this course than from anything else I've seen. My seventh assign­ ment was published on the front page of the JOHNSON COUNTY HERALD and lrm to be church reporter for our church with the op­ portunity of gradually doing other types of writing for the paper— perhaps a column of my own in time." Ada Wilson, Kansas City, Mo., grad. BCW, enrollee CF, CMW. YOU CAN WRITE Enroll today in "Beginning Christian Writer." Learn at home— in your spare time— the essen­ tials of good news writing, the construction of "the lead." Learn how to organize your mate­ rial, how to write colorfully in the language of today. ONLY $5.00 STARTS YOU You can start on this exciting writing career for as little as $5 initial payment; the balance of $10 payable in two monthly installments. Total cost of course $15. To enroll or to ask for further information, complete coupon NOW and mail. FREE! WITH YOUR ENROLLMENT ★ One year's subscription to CHRISTIAN LIFE magazine. ★ One year's subscription to M ARKET TIPS, publication of Christian Writers Institute. ■A Beautiful Gold Embossed Binder for your lessons. Clip Coupon Here CHRISTIAN WRITERS INSTITUTE 434 South Wabash Avenue Dept. KB 24 Chicago 5, Illinois D Enclosed is my first payment on "Begin­ ning Christian Writer." Start my course at once. □ Send m^ in fo rm a tio n on "Beginning Christian Writer.” NAME _____________ L ____________ ADDRESS ________________________________ ' CITY ___;______________ ZONE____ STATE_______ __ 11

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JUNE 1954

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