King's Business - 1954-06

Out of the

Mbre Peop le Desire the Assistance of A .M .F . The world yearns for security . . . mod­ erns need "the sure word of prophecy,” a light for the dark places ahead . . . souls everywhere need healing through God’s Word. Yet sensationalists and money-raisers excite and pressure the public for selfish ends . . . false cults pour forth a stream of garbled and unBiblical prophetic matter . . . while many evangelicals, offended by fan­ atics and extremists, exchange that purifying "blessed hope” of the Saviour's near Return, which produces ardent zeal and sacrificial living, for a mere doctrine of the Second Coming. For these critical days the AMERICAN MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP offers a minis­ try. A series of illustrated prophetic lecturesr begun in 1929 by its general director, Rev. Milton B. Lindberg, combine present-day pictures with corroborating Scriptures on these and other subjects: 1. Prophecy and Israel's Sorrows 2. Zionist Developments and the Coming Messiah

Lab Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept of Science, Biola Bible College

Creation of 1 1 or the last three months we have 1 concerned ourselves with some of the modern scientific thought on the origin of the universe. This study has not been made in an attempt to rule out the need of God in creation, but rather to elucidate some of the steps which God only sketchily out­ lined in His Word. Since we know that God is not the author of con­ fusion (1 Cor. 14:33), but one of law and order, it is only logical to assume that He acted in creation in an orderly manner. Now, in the physical realm wherever there is law and order the scientist desires to work. For after all this is his job— to discover and then express in con­ cise terms the laws which God is using in the universe today. In dis­ covering and describing these laws the scientist does not, then, elimin­ ate God from the scheme of things. He only translates God’s actions into terms that are a little more under­ standable to the human mind. If the scientist can describe the laws God follows in sustaining the world today, why should it bother the Christian if scientists should be able to describe the laws God followed in creation. In neither case is God eliminated from the picture. Granting that the scientist can legitimately speculate in the area of creation . still leaves the Christian with the question of how can the scientist describe events that hap­ pened billions of years ago. Since he was not there how could he pos­ sibly know the first thing about it. But neither is the detective present when a crime is committed yet in many instances he is able to accur­ ately describe what took place by P A S - C A L Vitamin A — 25,000 U.S.P.................. 100 $3.00 Vitamin B>— 25 M.G............................ 100 2.25 Vitamin C — 100 M.G.......................... 100 _ l.$5 Vitamin C — 250 M.G.......................... 100 3.25 Vitamin E — 30 I.U............................... 100 2.75 Vitamin E — 50 I.U............................... 100 3.85 612 & Folic Acid .................................. 100 2.25 PAS -CAL Company Box 203-KB Altadena, California

the Universe the evidence the event left behind. If a relatively insignificant event such as a robbery or murder can be solved by the evidence remaining why should we doubt the scientific detective’s ability to utilize the evi­ dence the event of creation has left. Such a tremendous event surely must have left its marks on today’s uni­ verse. If man is intelligent enough he should be able to use this evidence to retrace the steps of creation. Theoretically, this is possible but because all evidence is not in, there is still possibly more than one sci­ entific theory to fit what is known. However, as time goes on and the scientist uncovers more evidence, then the possible schemes of creation that fit this evidence will become fewer and fewer and will more nearly ap­ proximate how God actually did it. Since the Christian believes that God described in the Bible some events associated with this creation, he expects that the scientific the­ ories will, include stages correspond­ ing. to the events described in Scrip­ ture. It is also reasonable to assume that the early theories of science, since they were made at a time when evidence was not so complete, might be further from describing what ac­ tually happened than later ones which are based on more accurate evidence. If this is so thfen the early theories of the scientist with regard to the origin of the universe would be expected to disagree more with God’s inspired account of creation than later theories. Down through the years this trend can be followed so that today’s theories are more in agreement with Scripture than yes­ terday’s. END. SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There*» a Wideness to God's Mercy" Classical arrangements. Original instructions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from CORDON E. HOOKER 658 So. Hope St. “ Blessed Be the Fountain** “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus**

3. Russia Today in. the Light of Prophecy 4. Petra and Israelis Flight in the Great Tribulation 5. Jerusalem — Capital of Messiah's Kingdom

These illustrated messages (35 mm. Koda- chrome) are now being prepared with tape recordings by Mr. Lindberg as narrator. They will be made available to the churches through qualified representatives of the American Messianic Fellowship, who will vis­ it the churches on a free-will offering basis. JEWISH EVANGELIZATION INSTITUTES In the light of Bible prophecy, Jewish evangelization becomes imperative and ur-% gent. Backed by 66 years of experience and intensive labor, A.M.F. is willing to conduct Jewish Evangelization institutes in any church wishing leadership for visitation work among Jews of its neighborhood, or in any Bible training school where future ministers and missionaries will consider the Why and How of Jewish evangelization in prepara­ tion for future effective contacts. Christian workers in churches and schools can be aided toward an intelligent and sympathetic approach to our Jewish friends. A.M.F. can provide such ministry by means of illustrated lectures, Handbook for Witnessing, concise booklets on prophecy, abundance of specially prepared- tracts for Jews, and teachers with personal experience among Hebrew people. W e are your servants for Jesus' sake. Write for further information to: meAiccui- MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP Formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission 818 Independence Blvd., Chicago 24, III. 24 6. Current Trends Toward Armageddon 7. The Sign of the End of the Age

Los Angeles 17, Calif. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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