King's Business - 1954-06

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A N I N T E R D E N O M I N A T I O N A L N O N - P R O F I T F O U N D A T I O N • 4 3 4 S O U T H W A B A S H , C H I C A G O 5, I L L . 20 YEARS OF SUCCESS RECALL GOD’S BLESSINGS ON FOUNDATION’S MINISTRY Sunday School Films Great A id To Teachers How can we do a,better job with our pupils?

God’s amazing blessing on the ministry o f Scripture Press Foundation are re­ called by Victor E. Cory, president, as the organization looks forward this fall to observing its twentieth anniversary of publishing Sunday School materials. As pioneer in producing Biblically sound, graded Sunday School lesson ma­ terials, Scripture Press’ first lessons were introduced in the fall of 1934. Original curriculum, which for the first time made available all o f the Bible, was planned by Dr. Clarence H. Benson, then head o f the Christian Education Department of Moody Bible Institute. From this unique feature o f covering all of the Bible in the curriculum, Scrip­ ture Press derived the descriptive title, “ All-Bible Graded Series.” This feature, too, according to Cory, has been one of THE PEOPLE SPEAK “ Your All-Bible Graded Series of lessons has helped me tremendously as a pupil and as a teacher. My daily Bible reading habit was developed and the Word of God became more meaningful and precious.” — Illinois “ It is much easier to get teachers with this fine literature. It is doing a lot for the School, too. Our attendance is running over 25% higher than last year.” — Iowa “ Your graded lessons have been wonderful. I, as a teacher, have learned much from the systematic study, and parents o f the pupils have said they have learned more Bible since their children have had these books than they ever learned before.” —Michigan DEPT. 00-000 | 434 South Wabash Avenue • Chicago 5, III. | Please send me the new TEACH ING PICTURE | sets marked below at 75c per set: | _________P6554 Bible background pictures = P6SSS Conduct Pictures E P6556 Family and missionary pictures i P6557 Seasonal pictures | _________P6558 Child activity pictures | CHARGE O CASH Q Amount Enclosed_____ I NAME_____________________________________________ | STREET____________________________________________ | CITY_____________________________( ) STATE_____ | Pastor—, S.S. Supt.—, Dir.Chr. Ed.__ , Sec.__, E Other____________________ | S C R IP T U R E P R E S S

the chief reasons for the amazing popu­ larity of the Scripture Press lessons. Today the All-Bible Graded Series has one of the largest circulations of any graded lesson material. Mpanwhile, the departmentally graded ^principle, with its many practical advan­ tages'; is being hailed by an increasing number of educational authorities as the proper method o f grading for Sunday Schools. As use o f the All-Bible Graded Series boomed, Scripture Press launched other

Every earnest teacher asks himself this question periodically. Three good answers are provided by Scripture Press’ new films developed specifically to show Sun­ day Schools and Sunday School teachers how to improve their techniques. “ G od ’s Acre o f Diamonds’ is an im­ pressive documentary film, emphasizing the importance o f the Sunday School as the evangelistic arm o f the church. “ Doorways to Decision” is a dramatic portrayal of results o f Sunday School vis­ itation with practical hints for conduct­ ing a visitation campaign. “ Stars in your Crown” is a never to be forgotten film on winning pupils to a per­ sonal acceptance o f Christ through indi­ vidual contacts. All three films are 16mm. sound in black and white. Approximate running time is 20 minutes each. According to Miss Gladys Siegfried, head o f the Film Department, Sunday School Superintendents and pastors re­ port enthusiastic response as a result of using these films in hundreds o f churches across the country. Oldest and perhaps still one of the most effective visual teaching aids is the flat picture. Recognizing this, Scripture Press has launched a new set of teaching pictures for use with Beginners and Primaries. For those tired o f searching forjust the right picture to give pupils an idea of what a Palestinian home looked like, or a picture of a child sharing with another ... these sets are made to order. Now ready are five different sets of those hard-to-get pictures that every Sun­ day School teacher needs. Printed in 5 colors, the pictures are 9 x 11V4 inches. Eight pictures in each set are packaged in attractive side-open envelopes for easy filing. These pictures may be used to illus­ trate life in Bible times, for missionary emphasis, as examples o f right conduct, or for room decorations. Order all 5 sets today. See your local dealer, or write Scrip­ ture Press. New Pictures Prove Seeing Is Believing

teaching tools. The most popular o f these have been the correlated visual aids, also usable separately. These include the now famous “ Suede-graphs,” which visu­ alize Bible stories, “ Gospel- graphs” which visualize Bible truths, Mission-graphs, table- top projects, etc.

Scripture Press also has branched out into other fields. These products include Vacation Bible School lessons, Sunday School films, record system, books, and miscellaneous Sunday School features. “ We praise God for His blessing on our ministry during these first twenty years,” says Cory. “ We are trusting Him for even greater opportunities in the important years just ahead.” Now Scripture Press is readying a number of other products including new courses for Cradle Roll, Nursery, Senior High and Home departments,as well as a number of new book titles. 434 South W abash A ve. • Chicago 5, III. DEPT. KBA-64 \ I ’m particularly interested in the follow ing: CRADLE ROLL—, NURSERY—, BEGINNER—, I PRIMARY—, JUNIOR—, INTERMEDIATE (Jr. High)—, f SENIOR—, ADULT___



ADDRESS __________________________________________ | CITY----------------------------- ( ) STATE____________ f Pastor—, S.S.Supt.—, Dir.Chr.Ed___, Sec.__, Other__ |

___________ Orderfrom yourfavorite dealer orfrom S C R I P T U R E P R E S S

JUNE 1954


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